Exclusive Fire Emblem Nintendo 3DS XL Bundle for Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.02.2013 3

Exclusive Fire Emblem Nintendo 3DS XL Bundle for Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Want your slice of Fire Emblem history on a Nintendo 3DS XL console? Nintendo of Europe have the answer with am exclusive, new hardware bundle.

Unlike other regions that received the Fire Emblem design over the original Nintendo 3DS console, Europe will receive an exclusive 3DS XL bundle. It's essentially the same slick Fire Emblem design and blue casing as other territories, but instead popped onto the bigger 3DS XL console.

Image for Exclusive Fire Emblem Nintendo 3DS XL Bundle for Europe

The pack includes a copy of Fire Emblem: Awakening as a pre-installed digital copy, and will be available in stores alongside the regular game from 19th April.

Pre-order Fire Emblem: Awakening bundle on Amazon

Fire Emblem fans, will you take on the adventure with a Nintendo 3DS XL hardware bundle?

Box art for Fire Emblem: Awakening

Intelligent Systems







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Thank god they changed the awful box art logo for the EU version.

Thank you.  I thought I was alone in thinking it looks awful.  Good for you guys, guess that wait is worth it, getting a XL and all Smilie

I would probably buy this if it included an actual copy of the game instead of a digital copy! Grrrr!!

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