Time for Tee as Mario Golf Drives onto Nintendo 3DS this Summer

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.02.2013 4

Time for Tee as Mario Golf Drives onto Nintendo 3DS this Summer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo today revealed the first footage for an upcoming Nintendo 3DS version of the popular Mario Golf series.

Much like the original games, Mario Golf: World Tour includes the core Mushroom Kingdom cast, quirky and traditional courses plus classic series trademarks. The project is being lead by Nintendo sporting experts Camelot, aiming to offer a simple setup for newer players and traditional gameplay for seasoned Mario Golf pros.

Image for Time for Tee as Mario Golf Drives onto Nintendo 3DS this Summer
Image for Time for Tee as Mario Golf Drives onto Nintendo 3DS this Summer

One of the first courses shown depicts an enlarged world with towering plants and suspiciously enlarged Goomba on patrol.


During Nintendo Direct today Satoru Iwata demonstrated a few gameplay snippets, plus a handful of new screenshots to tee up in anticipation for the release of Mario Golf: World Tour this summer.

Are you a Mario Golf nut? What are you hoping for from the new Nintendo 3DS version?

Box art for Mario Golf: World Tour








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Our member of the week

Hear me Nintendo:

Put online in there, and that's an instant buy from me. I was saddened that no golf game on Wii could quite replicate the fun of Pangya on the PC (the 2 Wii games derived from the aforementioned didn't have online and the online mode in Camelot's We Love Golf wasn't quite up to scratch).

EDIT: WTF, I posted that on the Mario Golf news, why does it appear here??

( Edited 14.02.2013 17:36 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Come on RPG Mode!

Super Shots - no interest.

I loved Mario Golf on the N64, never thought they'd make another one after the GameCube game, I'll most likely be getting this.

NNID: crackedthesky
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