Europe Gets Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Console Bundles; 3DS Demo Next Week

By Az Elias 14.02.2013 9

Europe Gets Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Console Bundles; 3DS Demo Next Week on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate will be bundled with the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS in Europe when it releases on 22nd March.

The Wii U pack will contain the black premium Wii U console, a black Wii U Pro Controller and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for Wii U.

The 3DS pack will contain a black Nintendo 3DS XL and a pre-installed copy of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for 3DS. The Circle Pad Pro XL will be released on the same day but it will not be included in the bundle.

A demo for the 3DS version of the game will be arriving next week, too.

Image for Europe Gets Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Console Bundles; 3DS Demo Next Week

Image for Europe Gets Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Console Bundles; 3DS Demo Next Week

In the video below, taken from today's Nintendo Direct, Capcom's Ryozo Tsujimoto explains more about the multiplayer feature of the game and how you can swap your save data back and forth between both Wii U and 3DS versions.

Box art for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Also known as

Monster Hunter 3G









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Aaaaaaaaaaaaand Nintendo continues to spank early adopters. My Wii U just came with nintenderland.

Well, I'm not in the UK anyway, but I doubt a US version is far behind. MH3 was one of the most-played Wii games ever.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand Nintendo continues to spank early adopters. My Wii U just came with nintenderland.

Well, I'm not in the UK anyway, but I doubt a US version is far behind. MH3 was one of the most-played Wii games ever.

This is pretty harmless, imagine if it was a special edition MH Wii U...or wait, don't do that because you'll want one then. Smilie

SirLink said:

This is pretty harmless, imagine if it was a special edition MH Wii U...or wait, don't do that because you'll want one then. Smilie

Actually, I've never really cared for special edition consoles themselves. They don't do anything a  $10 skin couldn't do, and honestly, when I look at my Wii U I want to think of Zelda and Mario and Call of Duty and all the games I play on it, not just one game.

That Fire Emblem 3DS looks badass though, and I'd always make an exception for a Zelda-themed system.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Ha, Nintendo not showing the CPPro. It must be huge...

I'll likely get this bundle.

( Edited 14.02.2013 16:49 by Linkyshinks )

I don't think the CPP comes in the 3DS bundle, they just mentioned that it would be released the same day. Highly recommended accessory nonetheless.

Phoenom said:
I don't think the CPP comes in the 3DS bundle, they just mentioned that it would be released the same day. Highly recommended accessory nonetheless.
Could be right actually. Edited the news for now. Will update if anything changes.

ercbeer (guest) 14.02.2013#7

Lucky Europeans!!  I would have much preferred this bundle to the ZombiU bundle coming to the US.  But I suppose I'll take any bundle at this savings is money savings.

Damnit, this just makes me think this bundle wont be hitting the US they only spoke about zombieU bundles for the us.  Guess I'll just get the game separately without any of the savings.Smilie

Phoenom said:
I don't think the CPP comes in the 3DS bundle, they just mentioned that it would be released the same day. Highly recommended accessory nonetheless.

I didn't expect it would, I'm just surprised that there's no official promotional images, only one tiny image taken from a Japanese mag.  

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