Animal Crossing 3DS Gets Europe, US Release Date

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.02.2013 3

Animal Crossing 3DS Gets Europe, US Release Date on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo fans eager to leap into the new world of Animal Crossing can finally grab hold of New Leaf for Nintendo 3DS this June.

The game has already dominated the Japanese market, racking up records and a legion of new Nintendo 3DS owners, and now it's time for the rest of the world to get their New Leaf fix.

Confirmed today during Nintendo Direct, Animal Crossing: New Leaf will arrive in Europe on June 14th and slightly earlier across the pond, June 9th in North America.

Producer of the Animal Crossing series, Katsuya Eguchi, spoke about the new 3DS game in today's Nintendo Direct.


Nintendo UK has today also released a translated in-depth look at the upcoming game, which was originally shown in Japan a couple of weeks ago.


Time to save those pennies! Will you be taking on the role of major on Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Also known as

Tobidase Doubutsu no Mori









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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Disappointed with the date. Hoping the DL version doesn't cost too much more.

L.S (guest) 17.02.2013#2

Cant wait till animal crossing is released  in the uk x  Smilie

MakezieMinecraftanimalcrossing<3 player (guest) 17.02.2013#3

I can't wait until the new animal crossing comes out, I've heard so much about it!SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

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