Nintendo Direct, The Year of Luigi

By Javier Jimenez 14.02.2013 6

Nintendo Direct, The Year of Luigi on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

True fans know that Luigi has long been the superior brother. Well, now Nintendo has acknowledged this fact by proclaiming 2013 as Year of Luigi. To commemorate Luigi's ascendancy over his lesser brother, Mario, Nintendo has announced Mario & Luigi: Dream Team and Mario Golf: World Tour. Dream Team is the 4th in the popular Mario & Luigi RPG series. The game focuses on Luigi dreaming an adventure, similar to Mario in Super Mario Brothers 2 USA.

Mario Golf: World Tour is a sequel to Camelot's GameCube classic golf game. Camelot, the makers of the Shining Force series, has some experience in golf. Camelot's first game was Everybody Golf all the way back in 1997, and their most recent was We Love Golf in 2007. Mario Golf 3D showed off greatly improved visuals over the GameCube game.

Nintendo showed more Luigi's Mansion 2 as well, from ghost puppy tracking to its online co-op gameplay. The game releases on March 24th in North America, and March in Europe.

Finally, Nintendo announced an expansion pack to New Super Mario Brothers U, a complete remake of all 80 levels in the game, playable only by Luigi. The expansion DLC contains only Luigi and Luigi levels, and even modifies interface elements to accommodate Luigi's green color scheme. As such, the expansion is titled "New Super Luigi U", as there is only Luigi and not his brother.

So, Luigi fans, celebrate the Year of the Superior Brother, 2013!

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I was really hoping for an all black 3DS and was glad they announced its release. Another great Nintendo Direct, it seems nintendo is getting the hang of this. I really like their approach to Downloadable content and will definately buy the Luigi pack. I will also be getting a black 3DS and picking up fire emblem (my first visit into this franchise) Mario 3d, Luigi Mansion looks awesome, so does the concept for mario and luigi.

The icing would have been bravely default which I have pined for since the very first announcement. Im sure it will come. 

I have to admit, I'm a Luigi fan, so I was very entertained by this Nintendo Direct! =p

( Edited 14.02.2013 15:00 by jres80 )

Dream Team looks good.

Hope the Golf game has RPG aspects like the GBA one, but I have my doubts with Camelot making it...

The golf game looks like a direct sequel to Mario Golf on Gamecube, so I wouldn't hold my breath for RPG mechanics. Mario Golf GC was a great game though =p

Dream Team looks as if it's very similar to Bowser's Inside Story. Really liked that game, but I sorta wish they went back to the Superstar Saga feel.

I don't know if the European Nintendo Direct did this, but the North American Nintendo Direct featured Luigi hidden somewhere in the background of each segment of the direct.

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