Rayman Legends Developers Protest the Wii U Game's Delay

By Az Elias 12.02.2013 13

Rayman Legends Developers Protest the Wii U Game

Ubisoft Montpellier, the developers of Rayman Legends, have banded together to protest the delay of the Wii U version of the game.

Ubisoft announced recently that the Wii U version of Rayman Legends would be delayed until September to launch side-by-side with the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions, but it has had a huge backlash from Wii U fans around the world that were expecting to be playing the game within the next couple of weeks.

Michael Ancel, creator of Rayman, has appeared alongside the Rayman Legends developers, supporting their protest against the decision to delay the completed Wii U game. Baring a crying Rayman face that says "SVP" ("Please"), on a banner are also the words, "Sortez nous Rayman. Soutient a Ubi Montpellier." - "Release Rayman. Support Ubisoft Montpellier." (Translation courtesy of Eurogamer.fr)

This protest comes right off the back of a supposed ex-developer of Rayman Legends expressing his outrage at the decision through a post online, stating how incredibly difficult it is take, and how angry the development team are, after going through an extremely tough time creating the game, working long hours, and hardly seeing their friends and family.

Image for Rayman Legends Developers Protest the Wii U Game
Image for Rayman Legends Developers Protest the Wii U Game
Box art for Rayman Legends





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XCWarrior (guest) 12.02.2013#1

At least we know the faces now of the people who will be laid off when the game sells like crap when it comes out in Septemeber against stiff competition.

I feel sorry for these guys, but well you decided to work for one of Satan's minions. This is the price you will pay.

This whole situation is just a huge mess. The Ubisoft execs have ticked off the people making the game and the millions of Nintendo fans out there.

I fully support Nintendo gamers boycotting this and other Ubisoft games now. However, I do worry that decreased sales could just lead these same boneheaded execs to use that as justification that 3rd party games don't sell on Nintendo platforms.

Just release the damn game on Wii U, Ubisoft, and perhaps some of the damage can be undone.

Really, why wouldn't you release a highly anticipated game during a period of little competition?

( Edited 12.02.2013 15:57 by Sonic_13 )

Ubisoft have really done it to have their own employees protesting. Not that I really believe it'll do much good.. but they have to realise that too many people are annoyed at this for a demo to suffice.

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SuperLink said:
Ubisoft have really done it to have their own employees protesting. Not that I really believe it'll do much good.. but they have to realise that too many people are annoyed at this for a demo to suffice.
Yeah this story amazes me. The developers have some guts protesting against their employers.

I still hope Ubisoft will give in and release the game after all. And give us free DLC when the other versions are released.

Good for these guys! They worked really hard on this and they deserve to have their game released when promised.

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Let's stop being childish and instead of telling Ubisoft "I'm boycotting the game now", let's rather encourage them by saying "I'm buying your game on Day 1 if you release it now".

Sounds way more positive that way, right? If even the developers want that, then there's no way we should put THEIR jobs on the line when it's not their own fault.

I'm behind those guys! I'm buying it on Wii U regardless, but I'll be even more intent on doing so if the higher heads at Ubi would let them released what's basically a finished product rotting on the side of the road right now. If the developer themselves say "release it now", then it can only mean they're not intending to even work the Wii U version even further, it can only mean the product is good to go and won't be touched upon for the next 7 months.

Moi je vous soutiens jusqu'au bout les gars !! Je veux Rayman MAINTENANT Smilie !!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Its easy to forget these companys are so big now, that the left hand is often not at all in favor of what the right is doing.
Ubisoft has had a lot of bad choices over the last...well...decade. They have talented people....designers of games like Rayman, Sands of Time, BG&E.  They have had interesting (yet canceled) projects like Tresure Hunter Institute (which was sort-of a exploration MMO, but allowed anyone to create quests in).

They just seem all over the place really. 
I daresay these employes arnt going to get a very warm reception sticking up for themselves like this, but I very much admire them for it.

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Darkflame said:

I daresay these employes arnt going to get a very warm reception sticking up for themselves like this, but I very much admire them for it.

You're probably right, but even Ancel is involved and I'd say he's Ubisoft's equivalent of Shigeru Miyamoto; an influential and extremely talented Director. He's got a name for himself in the industry.

So I really hope his voice is heard; I've often been a bit sad about Ubi mistreating him.

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...this could just be an ingenious marketing ploy...imagine if Ubi caved in next week! I'd love to see what first week sales would be like!

SEGA wouldnt wait to release their new Aliens game along side the other consoles claiming it needs more time, so i dont see why ubisoft should hold back a finished game for the other consoles to catch up.... it grinds my gears that companies keep holding back the wii u in general! denying earlier releases for completed titles on the system yet not doing the same with the tables turned, it almost feels intentional. Maybe there should be an investigation to see if there isnt dirty dealings going on.

SuperLink said:
Darkflame said:

I daresay these employes arnt going to get a very warm reception sticking up for themselves like this, but I very much admire them for it.

You're probably right, but even Ancel is involved and I'd say he's Ubisoft's equivalent of Shigeru Miyamoto; an influential and extremely talented Director. He's got a name for himself in the industry.

So I really hope his voice is heard; I've often been a bit sad about Ubi mistreating him.

One of the first things I thought when this whole bit of buggery began was that if the developers have to spend yet more time converting Legends for other machines, Ancel won't be getting onto other projects anytime soon. I wonder if Beyond Good & Evil fans realise that...



Haha, great video!

Xbox/Playstation Fans: "We're disappointed we won't be getting Rayman!"
Ubisoft: "Don't worry! We're coming for you!"

Nintendo Fans: "Since you're making all your games accessible to all gamers, we'll be getting Far Cry 3, Splinter Cell, South Park, Rainbow 6, and Watch Dogs, right?"
Ubisoft: "Oh hey...um...yeah those sure are great games...whoa, look over there!" *runs away*

Fantastic video...explains it all in a few minutes! 

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