Tank! Tank! Tank! Goes Free-to-Play in Europe

By Az Elias 12.02.2013 5

Tank! Tank! Tank! Goes Free-to-Play in Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Following the same move as the Japanese version of the game, Nintendo has announced that Namco Bandai's Tank! Tank! Tank! will now be a free-to-play title.

After less-than-stellar sales, the decision was made to let players simply download a basic pack of the game for free from the Wii U eShop, which includes three modes - Monster Battle, Free-for-All and Team Versus. Each mode is limited to only three plays every day, but by purchasing download content for an extra fee, this will remove the play restrictions permanently.

Each DLC costs £1.59 right now, but will eventually rise to £7.99 in the future.

Box art for Tank! Tank! Tank!

Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Hope they do this in America. Can't hurt sales at this point.

Depending on how many pieces of DLC there are, probably be wisest to get them all in one go. Really wish Zen Pinball followed this model too. :-/

Not a great game...

Zen Pinball is better.

Our member of the week

Was tempted to get the retail package... Maybe the price for it will go down after this announcement? Might be time for me to pick it up then. I want to avoid digital as much as possible.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Please let this come to the US!

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