Kickstarter Project The 90s Arcade Racer is Coming to Wii U eShop

By Javier Jimenez 11.02.2013 3

Kickstarter Project The 90s Arcade Racer is Coming to Wii U eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Kickstarter is one of the most exciting developments in the gaming industry in a while. Direct funding of developer projects by fans cuts out the middle man of publishers, and lets ideas that never would have seen the light of day become reality - ideas that would never have met the requirements of big companies that only fund "a hundred million dollar" projects.

The 90's Arcade Racer is one of those projects. It's a labor of love by Antonis Pelekanos, a throwback to high octane, neon, 90s arcade racing games, such as Sega's Daytona USA, Midway's Cruisin' USA, or Atari's San Francisco Rush. Word has come down that The 90's Arcade Racer will grace the Nintendo Wii U eShop. The project is exciting for any racing fan, so take a look at the gameplay video and the news on the Kickstarter website!

Image for Kickstarter Project The 90s Arcade Racer is Coming to Wii U eShop
Image for Kickstarter Project The 90s Arcade Racer is Coming to Wii U eShop
Image for Kickstarter Project The 90s Arcade Racer is Coming to Wii U eShop
Box art for The 90s Arcade Racer








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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Our member of the week

In the absence of a Daytona USA HD on Wii U, I suppose that'll have to do the trick...

Shame we had to end up with Nicalis as the publisher though... that means PAL gamers will once again be left out *sigh*

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
In the absence of a Daytona USA HD on Wii U, I suppose that'll have to do the trick...

Shame we had to end up with Nicalis as the publisher though... that means PAL gamers will once again be left out *sigh*

I emailed the developer of the game, Pelikan13, for you, asking if it'll be released in PAL regions, and he said: "Yes, of course it will : )"

So no need to worry, Rudy!

( Edited 12.02.2013 01:25 by Azuardo )

I'm confident Sega will release it's HD remakes on Wii U eventually.

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