Onimusha, Dino Crisis? Capcom More Focused on New IP

By Adam Riley 09.02.2013

Onimusha, Dino Crisis? Capcom More Focused on New IP on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Resident Evil Revelations producer Masachika Kawata was recently interviewed and asked about two games he previously worked on, Dino Crisis and Onimusha, with the question being whether or not those two classics would be making a return anytime soon. Unfortunately, though, for fans of the games, the answer was somewhat negative...or at least for the time being...

When pressed on the matter, Kawata-san said:

Capcom has obviously never shied away from bringing back our older IPs to new generations, but I do think it's more important for us to focus on creating new IP as we move forward.

The way Capcom is going, though, according to last year's digital survey this could be inaccurate to a degree as the company is clearly looking to resurrect older games, albeit in digital download format, so all hope is not yet lost.

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