Activision Concerned Over Low Number of 6-11 Year Old Wii U Owners

By Javier Jimenez 10.02.2013 6

Activision Concerned Over Low Number of 6-11 Year Old Wii U Owners on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

We're all familiar with Bobby Kotick, the Activision CEO who stated that he wanted "to take the fun out of making video games". Kotick recently stated that he was "disappointed with the launch of the Wii U". He further stated that his company's main concern would be "the installed base of hardware" among "6 to 11 year olds," and expressed his worries that not enough kids own the Wii U system.

All is not bad news in Activision-land, though. Kotick also stated that he has "a lot of confidence in the (Skylanders) franchise for the long-term" and he thinks "we're delivering another great product this year." All of this comes on the news that Activision set record financial profits in 2012, and that 2013 would see a new entry in the yearly Call of Duty franchise. So there's good news among the bad.

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I guess new games in this series will use the NFC capabilities correct? Does the new disney project have any plans to use the NFC on the wii U pad?

Activision can make money on their own NFC reader, so I guess they will. Bastardos.

1) Bobby Kotick can go...nevermind.

2) Nintendo just can't win with some people. Complaining about selling too much to adults and not enough to kids seems massively ironic.

3) What is with all the talk about a poor Wii U launch? It had a great lineup of games and sold over 3 million units in a month and a half. The Wii only sold 200k more and the 360/PS3 didn't sell nearly as much during their launches. If people are expecting the 720/PS4 to blow the 3 million mark away during their launches then people are going to be disappointed.

4) Where is Nuketown 2025? Revolution DLC?

( Edited 11.02.2013 04:55 by Sonic_13 )

Rule 1: Nintendo cant ever win.  Have the most powerfull system (GC) "not enough sales" Have the most sales (Wii) "not powerfull enough".  Have the largest demographic range? "not enough teens" its "too many kids" <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
Rule 1: Nintendo cant ever win.  Have the most powerfull system (GC) "not enough sales" Have the most sales (Wii) "not powerfull enough".  Have the largest demographic range? "not enough teens" its "too many kids"

So doomed......

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS

Next gen:

"Its not blue enough. Our game needs more blueness. Sony and Microsofts consoles are both blue - yours is just cyan "

Next next gen:

"Yes, 10 billion people have the system, but how many dogs???" <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

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