Mistwalker Tease Artwork for New Project

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.02.2013 6

Mistwalker Tease Artwork for New Project on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Monolith isn't the only studio to tease new artwork, with fellow Japanese developer Mistwalker also popping up a new concept piece.

As spotted by NeoGAF, the studio have added a new piece of artwork to its homepage that bares a similar style to previous Wii title The Last Story. The latest two games from the studio are Party Wave and Blade Guardian for iOS, but the strong themes and artwork do suggest something bigger - potentially for consoles rather than another mobile project.

Image for Mistwalker Tease Artwork for New Project

What do you think of the latest Mistwalker artwork - could it be a sequel to The Last Story, if so, do you think this project could head to Nintendo platforms?

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My reservation is that there were three planned iOS games...I believe...?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Definitely looks very similar to The Last Story. Nintendo helped Mistwalker a lot with that game and is doing even more collaborations with smaller studios, so maybe a Wii U RPG? As long as it's not some mobile game, I'm interested in what it is. Then again, I heard the mobile games strategy didn't work out well for Mistwalker so it's rather unlikely that this doesn't end up being a proper console or perhaps even handheld game.

People on other sites have said this is old concept art for the last story

JayUK said:
People on other sites have said this is old concept art for the last story

Have been reaing the same. But on that note, I still think they could work with Nintendo for another title.

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS

This doesn't seem like it would be for the new Monolith Wii U title that's already been teased. 

I'd be more hopeful for a 3DS Monolith RPG. 

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KuRiSu420 (guest) 28.02.2013#6

It's old art. The Last Story was going to be called "The Last World" at first and had a MUCH darker undertone. A lot of the original concept art show things that never happen in the game (ie Lowell and Mirania in love, a crystal city coming out of the sky, Jirall donning the Outsider with demons at his command, Zael and Calista covered in blood)

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