Feature | INSiGHT - Nintendo's Wii U Boost Setting Up Great 2013?

By Adam Riley 31.01.2013 9

Feature | INSiGHT - Nintendo
It cannot be questioned that the launch of Wii U brought with it some great titles. However, as 2013 gets going, and barely anything other than Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge and SiNG Party has hit the shelves, Nintendo has seemingly sprung into action and is ready for the day gamers start to get bored of Nintendo Land, Zombi U and New Super Mario Bros. U - with the announcement of a slate of upcoming projects for the console.

At the recent Nintendo Direct conference, the firm revealed this year would see the arrival of two new games featuring Super Mario and his Mushroom Kingdom friends, as well as a double-whammy of titles in the The Legend of Zelda series that would bring something old and something new to Wii U, and in the case of Wind Waker being set on the sea and from an former system, it could even be argued 'something borrowed, something blue'! Not only that, but retro gamers were given something to talk about with the advent of the Wii U Virtual Console service.

Image for Feature | INSiGHT - Nintendo

Mario is Back…Already!

One of the most anticipated Wii U games to be released on launch day was most certainly New Super Mario Bros. U, so it comes as a bit of a surprise that Nintendo chose to announce plans for another adventure so soon. All that is known at this point is that this title will be in 3D and is being put together by the team behind Super Mario 3D Land and Super Mario Galaxy, and that it will be seen first at the E3 gaming expo in June - along with a new entry in the Mario Kart franchise.
Image for Feature | INSiGHT - Nintendo


Link Returns with Something Old and Something New

Those that are fans of puzzle games were treated as there was plenty to enjoy on Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo 3DS XL in 2012 - not least the latest entry in the Professor Layton games series, Miracle Mask. However, for Wii U there were not too many things to exercise the grey matter. Now, though, two The Legend of Zelda adventures could fill that void, with a high definition remake of Wind Waker from the GameCube on the way and a brand new adventure for Link to follow - and one that apparently will challenge the way gamers think of the franchise.
Image for Feature | INSiGHT - Nintendo


Virtual Console is Coming…

Those who like a bit of retro gaming will no doubt be pleased that Virtual Console is also on the way to Wii U, albeit after the system has had a couple of firmware updates in Spring 2013. Before long, though, there will be the ability to play NES and SNES games and multiplayer games on the console, with Game Boy Advance titles to follow soon after. It was even announced that there will be a special promotion where people will be able to pick up certain Virtual Console releases for as little as 30p and that Miiverse compatibility would also be on the table.
Image for Feature | INSiGHT - Nintendo
What do readers think, though - Is 2013 going to be the year of Wii U? Has this convinced those that had previously held back on buying one?

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I don't think there was any indication the original Zelda Wii U will be coming in 2013. They merely announced it. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Still not enough to get me to buy the system, though. Needs a price cut first of all. Will have to see how the line up and prices look around Q3/Q4. Otherwise I'll probably be looking at 2014. But we'll see.


( Edited 31.01.2013 17:53 by Marzy )

Marzy said:
Yeah, not enough good games coming. No 3D Mario, no Mario Kart, no Zelda, no Yoshi's Yarn, No Xenoblade 2, no Rayman Legends, no LEGO City Undercover, no Monster Hunter, no Pikmin 3, no new Retro Studio game and no other new games to be shown at E3 2013.

I'm so disappointed, this is the worst line up of games ever, there's nothing good coming at all. This console is such a failure, Nintendo are going to fail as a company. Nintendo don't have a clue what they are doing. I know, because I know loads about business and what makes a successful company and I can do better even though I've never ran a business in my life or even studied it.

What does that have to do with whether the Wii U appeals to individuals or not this year? All of those games each have their audiences and many of them will be great games, but the question is whether these games appeal to those who have and haven't bought the console.

" Haven't bought a Wii U, but ....whatever that Xeno game is might make me"

(I cant call one game for me a lineup, even if it is strong enough Smilie)

"I don't think there was any indication the original Zelda Wii U will be coming in 2013. They merely announced it. Correct me if I'm wrong."

It most certainly wont, TWW is coming out precisely because the original game will take too long.
I dont expect it till 2015 personally.

( Edited 31.01.2013 17:57 by Darkflame )

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Darkflame said:
"I don't think there was any indication the original Zelda Wii U will be coming in 2013. They merely announced it. Correct me if I'm wrong."

It most certainly wont, TWW is coming out precisely because the original game will take too long.
I dont expect it till 2015 personally.

Thanks; that's what I thought. WW is filler for no new Zelda. I'd like to think it'd arrive late 2014, but could just as much be later.

( Edited 31.01.2013 18:07 by Azuardo )

 Is 2013 going to be the year of Wii U?

With PS4 & Durango to be released this year alongside fully finished next-gen games, certainly no.

Linkyshinks said:
 Is 2013 going to be the year of Wii U?

With PS4 & Durango to be released this year alongside fully finished next-gen games, certainly no.

Let's wait for what the PS4 and NextBox are all about before we decide... That and E3!

Think this years' E3 might be one of the biggest. Will be games only since both Sony and MS will show of their consoles before that.

And why do people talk about a price cut for the console? It's a brand NEW console for gaming's sake. It's not a 360 with a screen on the controller.  I am sure there will be games that will push the ahrdware beyond what we have seen so far. And also games that will use the Gamepad even better than what ZombiU did. Today's gamers are so spoiled and hiding behind their PC screens, really tough here on the net. Just waith and see what games come out. And of course the two new consoles and then we'll see!

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS
D-RIFTER (guest) 01.02.2013#8

I am a musician/rapper/songwriter. And my music is very original i don't follow, and never will follow the market, and no i don't get all the commercial success as the sell out rappers. And all the big commercial gigs the sellout rappers get. But i love what i do and ill never change just to suit a few,  i have my following and they are loyal and whoever else wants to check me out that's great but the lesson here is that not everyone is going to like or love what you do Nintendo ahs loads of haters but then today i realized that so does sony and MS but hey thats jsut the way of the world fact is none of these biased or trollign comments are going to affect these billionares they dont care The Wiiu is a great machine and its going to do what it was built for. And that's to bring Nintendo's games to our TV screens. And anyone else who dares to be different and innovate and make great games. Like it or not its going to ahcieve its ultimate goal which is play games conversation done

I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the Gamecube. When I lived with my ex, I had access to a Wii and only used it for Brawl (and to try the motion controls on Skyward Sword).

With SSB coming to 3DS, I don't feel a need for a Wii U unless it comes with great connectivity between SSB platforms and brings an awesome Pokémon game (Stadium 3, Snap U or an actual Pokémon RPG).

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