No Price Cut for Nintendo Wii U, Wants Market Penetration

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.01.2013 12

No Price Cut for Nintendo Wii U, Wants Market Penetration on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Nintendo Wii U still struggling to get off the ground in some regions, Nintendo have confirmed that there won't be a price cut in the near future.

The key with any new hardware investment is the software and games that it can play. Having a steady stream of titles from launch has been an issue at the House of Mario since its inception, but there is a wide selection of first-party efforts due this year. In order to continue to expand the Wii U userbase, Nintendo won't be cutting the hardware price so soon - as it did with the Nintendo 3DS - "putting our lessons to good use".

In the company's investors briefing this week, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata admitted that Nintendo "have not yet fully communicated the value of our product" and are hard at work to "enrich the software line-up which could make consumers understand the appeal of Wii U".

With Nintendo Wii U, we have taken a rather resolute stance in pricing it below its manufacturing cost, so we are not planning to perform a markdown - I would like to make this point absolutely clear.

What do you think of Nintendo's commitment to hardware pricing - does the Wii U need a price cut to improve sales?

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ercbeer (guest) 31.01.2013#1

Might want to fix the title on the main page--sounds a bit disturbing
No Price Cut for Wii U, Wants Penetration

ercbeer (guest) said:
Might want to fix the title on the main page--sounds a bit disturbing
No Price Cut for Wii U, Wants Penetration

Well that's what it says on Nintendo's slides.

Definitely needs to focus on games, price cuts can only really help in the short term.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
ercbeer (guest) 31.01.2013#3


Guess I'm not getting a Wii U till 2014...

Seven said:
Guess I'm not getting a Wii U till 2014...

Not necessarily.

Nintendo aren't going to announce now that they will cut the price of the system later in the year. That's a recipe for disaster.

When they cut the price they'll announce it at the time, not 6 or 8 months in advance.

Price is fine, I need some interesting games.

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Darkflame said:
Price is fine, I need some interesting games.

Wii U will sell fine once a steady stream of games come out.
Personally, I thought that sales for the 3DS would have rebounded once Mario Kart and Super Mario 3D Land came out even without a price cut.

Yeah, the price isn't the problem. Sure, ideally for any consumer it would be cheaper, but the real issue is that there just isn't anything compelling yet to make you need the system.

( Edited 31.01.2013 18:40 by Jacob4000 )

A further point from the meeting is that the price won't be dropped because the system is already selling at a loss, $20 for every system.

Won't stop retailers

They still released the system too early with under-par specs.

And once again released the system with a poor line-up. At least the Gamecube had... Luigi's Mansion?

Just release the consoles when you feel it is right and also prepare some first party games. Who would not pick up a new console with a Mario/ Metroid/ Pokémon game sitting next to it?

Ultima said:
They still released the system too early with under-par specs.

And once again released the system with a poor line-up. At least the Gamecube had... Luigi's Mansion?

Just release the consoles when you feel it is right and also prepare some first party games. Who would not pick up a new console with a Mario/ Metroid/ Pokémon game sitting next to it?

1: Under-par specs? Compared to PS4 and Nexbox we know nothing sbout yet? Or compared to the PS3 and 360? Important!

2: I got the console for ZombiU mostly and, of course, Bayonetta 2 when that happy day arives. And there are boatloads of other games I am after like Lego City, Aliens, Eventual Zelda, Monster Hunter etc...Plus the eShop has some nice titles.  And there was a Mario game on release. Metroid, Zelda etc will come at a later date, but these games takes a lot of time to make. There are great games on the console already with which we can spend our time. Though third parties could and should step up now!

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