Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Double XP this Weekend

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.01.2013 4

Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Double XP this Weekend on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fancy boosting your stat levels in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2? Cancel your plans, it's double XP this weekend.

Activision and developer Treyarch are hosting a "double XP" weekend for the popular shooter Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 across all platforms - including Nintendo Wii U - this weekend, as confirmed by the studio on Twitter earlier this week.

From January 25th to 28th 10am PST inclusive players will earn double the amount of experience points to help boost player levels and weapon stats. Time to flaunt your pistol and gather your headshot skills, it's about to get rather messy.

Will you be racking up points this weekend with Call of Duty: Black Ops 2?

Box art for Call of Duty: Black Ops II





First Person Shooter



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I'm just being a douche here, but you should probably know that you're told this in-game whenever you log in to the multiplayer servers. In addition to them trying to flog you the Season Pass over and over. Anybody who plays already knows about this lol.

Mush (guest) 24.01.2013#2

Martin_ said:
I'm just being a douche here, but you should probably know that you're told this in-game whenever you log in to the multiplayer servers. In addition to them trying to flog you the Season Pass over and over. Anybody who plays already knows about this lol.
Isn't the case for the Wii U version (at least it wasn't for the last double XP weekend.) Also, obviously they don't try to flog you the season pass on Wii U as it isn't available. I do hope Treyarch release the DLC on it though, it does mention it on the back of the case.. .

Martin_ said:
I'm just being a douche here, but you should probably know that you're told this in-game whenever you log in to the multiplayer servers. In addition to them trying to flog you the Season Pass over and over. Anybody who plays already knows about this lol.

Maybe numbers dropped online? I didn't know this was happening though, not that it bothers me too much either...

Mush (guest) said:
Martin_ said:
I'm just being a douche here, but you should probably know that you're told this in-game whenever you log in to the multiplayer servers. In addition to them trying to flog you the Season Pass over and over. Anybody who plays already knows about this lol.
Isn't the case for the Wii U version (at least it wasn't for the last double XP weekend.) Also, obviously they don't try to flog you the season pass on Wii U as it isn't available. I do hope Treyarch release the DLC on it though, it does mention it on the back of the case.. .

I was going to say the same thing. I play online all the time and haven't seen either of those things once.

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