Nintendo Wii U Direct Summary & Poll - Zelda, Mario, Miiverse, Yoshi, Pikmin 3 and more!

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.01.2013 8

Image for Nintendo Wii U Direct Summary & Poll - Zelda, Mario, Miiverse, Yoshi, Pikmin 3 and more!

We're just settling down with a cup of warmly brewed Nintendo tea - in what was initially expected to be a fairly low key affair, Nintendo today lifted the lid on a wealth of first party projects and services for the Nintendo Wii U.

Incase you missed out on Today's Nintendo Wii U antics, here's a summary of what was announced and what to expect from the House of Mario:

Wii U Firmware Updates & Wii U Miiverse

  • Nintendo are happy with the amount of activity on Miiverse so far, lots of messages and pictures, but are aiming to create filters to better view content.
  • Official users can post links and videos, like Nintendo have done with New Super Mario Bros. U, and there will be more YouTube videos across Miiverse in the future.
  • Nintendo will spruce up Miiverse with filters, user-created private communities and official communities through a future firmware update.
  • There will be two major Wii U firmware updates in the coming months - One in Spring, the other in Summer.
  • Pikmin 3 will include an expanded camera function so players can post their photos onto Miiverse.
  • Nintendo are rolling out Miiverse on smartphones in the Spring via browser, with an app to come.

Image for Nintendo Wii U Direct Summary & Poll - Zelda, Mario, Miiverse, Yoshi, Pikmin 3 and more!

Wii U Virtual Console

Image for Nintendo Wii U Direct Summary & Poll - Zelda, Mario, Miiverse, Yoshi, Pikmin 3 and more!

First Party Nintendo Wii U Software

Image for Nintendo Wii U Direct Summary & Poll - Zelda, Mario, Miiverse, Yoshi, Pikmin 3 and more!

Third Party Nintendo Wii U Software

That's a wrap folks - Nintendo Wii U fans will receive their fill of two Legend of Zelda games, improvements to the system/Miiverse, new Mario and Yoshi games, with much more to come at E3 2012 and future Nintendo Direct presentations.

The Nintendo Direct Wii U video can be streamed again below.


Finally - have your say on today's announcements in our poll below.

Poll: Which news from today's Nintendo Direct has excited you the most?

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Hm, I think it should be a single vote poll, so only gonna vote for the single thing that had me most excited - rethinking the concepts of Zelda.

As much as I love Zelda, Monolith Soft's new game excited me the most. Only a trailer for the new Wii U Zelda could have compared to it for me.

Bayonetta 2 and X

But hyped for a more flexible Miiverse and the Zelda stuff too of course... And soon W101 Smilie

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS

So much great stuff announced today, like a mini E3. Can't wait to see the new 3D Mario, Mario Kart and Smash.

Mario Kart should hopefully be out this year, would be a solid system seller for sure alongside WInd Waker.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

SmilieNo idea what my favorite thing announced is. I voted Monolith's new game because that absolutely amazed me. But today was a fantastic day for Nintendo fans. I'm so glad I got a Wii U.

Posting screenshots from VC games is cool -  Id like that standard in all games period really.
Ditto for controller reconfigeration. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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commanderbacon (guest) 24.01.2013#7

this is the best nintendo direct ever! I nearly cried when they announced a remake of my favorite game ever, Wind waker.

Matt (guest) 25.01.2013#8

I am pretty surprised that they are going to have Game Boy Advance games on the WiiU Virtual Console. I wonder if they will ever add classic Game Boy and Game Boy Colour games as well.

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