Mother 2/Earthbound Heading to Nintendo Wii U Virtual Console

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.01.2013 11

Mother 2/Earthbound Heading to Nintendo Wii U Virtual Console on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

One of the bigger news items today was omitted from the Western Nintendo Direct broadcasts: EarthBound is heading to Wii U.

The iconic Mother series, known outside Japan as Earthbound, is returning to the living room. Series creator Shigesato Itoi has been busy tweeting about a "republication" for the series and today Nintendo have officially confirmed the news.

During the Japanese Nintendo Direct, the company confirmed that as part of the Virtual Console trial campaign, fans will be able to download the SNES classic Mother 2 (Earthbound) for an incredible bargain price of just 30 Yen (20p/$0.35) during March as part of the Mother Ressurection Festival.

The game, like the other Virtual Console releases, will include Miiverse functionality for newer and seasoned Mother players to discuss the game. Itoi also confirmed that he will have an official Mii in the Mother 2 Miiverse community.

Nintendo have yet to comment on any plans for re-releasing Mother 2/Earthbound in the West.

Would you like to see Nintendo release the Mother / Earthbound series on the Wii U virtual console service?

Box art for EarthBound
Also known as

Mother 2






Turn Based RPG



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Fair C3 users, Mother will be getting a Miiverse page when it releases in Japan. You know what that means right?
Spam the Japanese Mother page with your desire to have it localised! That is absolutely the best way to let Nintendo know how much demand there is!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Short Answer: YES

^ Completely agree jres!

Definitely needs to be localised, there's a huge market for it and Nintendo already have the game in English anyway.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I would love to play Earthbound as I never have before.

Is Mother 2 the only different 30th anniversary game in Japan?

GBA games are coming to the Virtual Console. I wonder if Mother 3 could...

It hasn't been talked much, but having the official/verified Miis in Miiverse is a great idea!

I'm dying to dive into this series, I really hope for localization.

SuperLink said:

Fair C3 users, Mother will be getting a Miiverse page when it releases in Japan. You know what that means right?
Spam the Japanese Mother page with your desire to have it localised! That is absolutely the best way to let Nintendo know how much demand there is!


I just had the strangest feeling.

I've not been particularly interested in buying a WiiU, but if this came to the west for so cheap, that would be very tempting. How odd that this, along with the other NES/SNES sales is what is tempting me to buy a new shiny console. But especially Earthbound. I was very lucky to find it cheap in a flea market, but that game normally costs $70 or more!

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18
chillv (guest) 24.01.2013#7

SuperLink said:

Fair C3 users, Mother will be getting a Miiverse page when it releases in Japan. You know what that means right?
Spam the Japanese Mother page with your desire to have it localised! That is absolutely the best way to let Nintendo know how much demand there is!

Yeah! If they see us spamming enough that it becomes unruly, they will have to release it to america

chillv (guest) 24.01.2013#8

I've only played a portion of the game on an emulator and I want to play on a real consle so im going to spam them too but im going to spam them in both languages.

Endless Solitude (guest) 24.01.2013#9

In the late 1990s, I remember hearing reports and rumours about Earthbound 64: a 3D sequel to Earthbound.  It was said that decisions that you took in the game would influence the subsequent development of the world, (ex: if you leave some food lying around in the woods, later on, you'll see a monster appear in the area) - and thus, no two games of it need be the same.

Sadly, the game was never made.  Still, the idea is sound, and if a game of this sort were made (for Wii or Wii U), I'd certainly purchase it.

porkysporkies (guest) 02.02.2013#10

Earthbound 64 was cancelled and later called Mother 3. Yes, the GBA mother 3.

Ashley (guest) 28.03.2013#11

Please make it for English!

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