New 3D Mario and Mario Kart Wii U Due for E3

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.01.2013 4

New 3D Mario and Mario Kart Wii U Due for E3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have announced two new Mario games for the Wii U due to be shown at this year's E3 Expo, including Mario Kart Wii U.

During the Nintendo Direct conference today company president outlined two new Mario titles in development for the Wii U due to be shown in playable form during this year's E3 Expo.

The first is a new untitled 3D Mario game from the creators of Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario 3D Land.

The second is a new Mario Kart game from Nintendo for Wii U, also due to be revealed at this year's conference.

What are you hoping for from Nintendo with these new Nintendo games and Mario Kart Wii U?

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Yay! Thats more like it nintendo. Even though this confirmation is like anouncing the air we breath is safe and contains oxygen its good to hear. 

I see a lot of people hoping for Super Mario Galaxy 3. I actually really really REALLY hope it's not. I do think SMG 1 & 2 are both brilliant, but I'd MUCH MUCH prefer something new.

( Edited 23.01.2013 16:53 by ScreamoPichu )

I don't want Super Mario Galaxy 3.

I want Super Mario Universe!

ScreamoPichu said:
I see a lot of people hoping for Super Mario Galaxy 3. I actually really really REALLY hope it's not. I do think SMG 1 & 2 are both brilliant, but I'd MUCH MUCH prefer something new.


Non-linear gravity should be a standard feature now. We need something else as well.

I still want forward/backward time control for true 4D landscapes.  Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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