Itoi Tweets More Mother / Earthbound Teasers

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.01.2013 8

Itoi Tweets More Mother / Earthbound Teasers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Earthbound and Mother fans have been on alert since series creator Shigesato Itoi teased a "republication" for something related to the series back in December.

Today Itoi took to Twitter once again to put fans at ease about the impending Mother-ton, reassuring followers that he hasn't "forgotten about it, of course. Don't worry, it's making progress".

Shortly after, Itoi revealed his hunger for the age-old Mother franchise, wanting to revisit his roots.

I've actually been wanting to play MOTHER too.

Running into Belch, taking in the Runaway Five's shows, getting sick in Moonside, visiting Tenda Village, enjoying the resort life in Summers. And, at the very end… that. I want to spend time doing all that.

Those hoping for an all new Mother adventure, it seems that if there is one in the future Itoi won't be involved, going by one of his replies to a fan: "I'm really sorry, but it's not going to happen. Maybe someone will make it someday."

It's certainly a double-edged sword : there will be something to do with the existing series soon, but the prospects for a new game are very slim indeed.

What would you like to see from Itoi and Nintendo? An Earthbound remake or anthology of the three Mother games in multiple languages?

Box art for EarthBound
Also known as

Mother 2






Turn Based RPG



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Mother HD Collection, coming to PS3 and 360 with Trophy/Achievement support, complete with shoddy porting and missing content!

(I kid
but really I hope it's a collection of some sort.. maybe one that will see a localisation
ahahahahahahahaahahhahaha I can dream)

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

A revamp of all three with HD sprites and new music so it can be localised would do the trick.

Or maybe a full 3D remake of all of them.

Definitely needs Western treatment. The fan base is ever growing, and all they'd need to do is reboot it with cleaned up sprites/neat little package.

Methinks it'll end up being a VC version in English, or perhaps just Earthbound/Mother 2 on the eShop.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I really want it to be a localized eShop version of Mother 1-3. (Probably asking to much) But I've never played any of them. I've tried to use an emulator, but I can never get into a game using one. I'm dying to dive into the series.

Our member of the week

Played Mother 1+2 on GBA since that's the only game in the series I own. Wanted to buy Mother 3 as well so I can play the translation patch, but the cart is far too pricey.

Anything they'd do to get the games in our hands at a decent price would be great for me, so long as it is a physical release.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Problem with a 3DS release is.. region locking. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
AMALGAM8 (guest) 18.01.2013#7

anything mother related!

[email protected] (guest) 18.01.2013#8

For those interested in a Mother 4 that haven't heard yet, there is a completely fan-made Mother 4 in the works here:

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