Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate Receives Release Dates and Demos

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.01.2013 4

Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate Receives Release Dates and Demos on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's time to get your Monster Hunter groove on as Nintendo Europe have confirmed a release date and free demo for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Fans eager for a slice of Capcom's popular adventure series in high definition or craving the action on a portable can get hold of the game on Wii U or 3DS from March 22nd in Europe.

Both games will be available across North America from March 19th.

As highlighted previously, those who own both editions will be able to exchange data between each for a seamless adventure on the move or at home.

Nintendo has also announced a free demo of the game, available on both systems from February 21st on the eShop. The trial game will include a beginner and an advanced quest, with 12 weapons and two big beasts to tackle.

Capcom have also confirmed keyboard support, which should be available as an update.

For now a trailer to wet your Monster Hunter appetite.


Will you be sinking your teeth into Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate this March? If so, which platform will you be hunting on - Wii U or 3DS?

Box art for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Also known as

Monster Hunter 3G









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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Really can't decide which system to get it on. First, anyway. I'd like both at some point.

If the demo is for both systems, maybe playing through it will help me decide.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I plan on getting this game, but I've never played a Monster Hunter game before. Super glad a demo is releasing. 

justonesp00lturn said:
Really can't decide which system to get it on. First, anyway. I'd like both at some point.

If the demo is for both systems, maybe playing through it will help me decide.

The demo is indeed available for both Wii U and 3DS.

For me there's really no point in buying the 3DS version, as I play on my 3DS exactly where I play on my PC or consoles as well, so online, a proper controller and the big screen make it an easy choice. I'll try the demo of the 3DS version too though, just out of curiosity.

Speaking of which, I'm glad a demo is available for both systems to give people who might be interested a chance to try the game. That said, I don't think Monster Hunter is very suited for demos, as it's really more of a learning experience especially during the first few hours of the games. Being thrown into a fierce battle without all that preparation and early experience might put off some people but then again it might also give others a taste of something they end up liking enough to get the game. It all depends on how Capcom handled the 'beginner' quest, though.

I really like the trailer in this news post. That should be an advert on TV. Anyone remember the hilarious advert for Monster Hunter Tri back in 2010? Smilie



( Edited 17.01.2013 17:43 by SirLink )

Choller1 (guest) 18.01.2013#4

Im getting the both just for the cross-play feature. Taking all my progress from the WiiU version on the go on my 3DS will be great.

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