Over 300,000 Killed in ZombiU Wii U Frenzy

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.01.2013 3

Over 300,000 Killed in ZombiU Wii U Frenzy on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft have been exposed for hoarding a large collection of undead ZombiU survivors.

The game, a traditional survival horror shooter, has a unique "death" feature, where players are saved to Ubisoft's servers once mauled by these flesh hungry beasts.

The Montpellier studio has confirmed that the current ZombiU death toll has crawled up to around 300,000 from around the globe. Producer Guillaume Brunier noted how the team have "many ideas to get this ball rolling", teasing a surprise in store for those who weren't able to survive the onslaught.

One in particular is about our 300,000 plus zombified friends stored on our servers. Who knows what we could do with them.

Are you one of those caught in the ZombiU universe or did you make it out alive?

Box art for ZombiU








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I only played the demo. I let 3 people die in the first run, none in the second. Smilie

Canyarion said:
I only played the demo. I let 3 people die in the first run, none in the second. Smilie

EXACT same thing with me. xD

The demo got pretty easy once you knew where to expect zombies. Oh and the slow combat needs 45 minutes of practice.

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