Epic Mickey 2 Overshadowed by Wii Predecessor

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.01.2013 7

Epic Mickey 2 Overshadowed by Wii Predecessor on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sales reports are in for Disney's latest console release, Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two, with figures have been overshadowed by the original game so far.

The first Epic Mickey, released as a Nintendo Wii exclusive, was reported to sell approximately 1.3 million copies at launch. Its successor has fallen off the mark with a respectable 270,000 copies - around a million less - across multiple platforms over a similar time period. With a bigger audience and an established fan-base, the sequel in theory should have flown off the shelves.

Series creator Warren Spector is keen to expand the Epic Mickey universe, but with relatively average figures so far, it might prove tricky to convince the higher-ups to green light another sequel.

Have you taken on the Epic Mickey 2 universe yet?

Box art for Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two

Junction Point




3D Platformer



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Warren Spector hyped the original into the stratosphere, then launch day came and his reputation was destroyed over night. As far as I'm concerned he owes me £29.99 for the original, I'm not gonna buy a sequel to one of the most over hyped games in video game history.  

This is a no brainer, people bought the first game thinking it was going to be something else.... all the hype was from the concept art, the idea of a dark, even more depressing and violent mickey game appealed to alot of people, but in the end it turned out to be very mediocre and played it too safe. The paint mechanic is interesting but nothing new, just a different way to trigger an event. The good sales of the first one was due to misunderstanding and expectations only leading to disappointment, noone was going to make the same mistake twice with the sequal.

welshwuff said:
This is a no brainer, people bought the first game thinking it was going to be something else.... all the hype was from the concept art, the idea of a dark, even more depressing and violent mickey game appealed to alot of people, but in the end it turned out to be very mediocre and played it too safe. The paint mechanic is interesting but nothing new, just a different way to trigger an event. The good sales of the first one was due to misunderstanding and expectations only leading to disappointment, noone was going to make the same mistake twice with the sequal.

This all the way!

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS

Exactly; first game had crazy hype, E3 awards, "Mario beater", etc, it sounded so much more than it was. This game.. almost no hype at all, totally saturated by being released across multiple platforms, mixed reports of which versions was best (or least terrible), and average reviews showing that nothing had really changed?

It's no surprise at all that it hasn't done nearly as well.

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NewBR (guest) 16.01.2013#5

I don't know what you guys are saying but Epic Mickey is a wicked game and 2 is just great too. I think everyone is been corrupted by Mario so games like Epic Mickey don't look as great?

NewBR (guest) said:
I don't know what you guys are saying but Epic Mickey is a wicked game and 2 is just great too. I think everyone is been corrupted by Mario so games like Epic Mickey don't look as great?

I didn't go in expecting Mario Galaxy levels of quality. I was expecting something around Spyro in terms of fun. What we got was something with movie tie in levels of execution. It had some good ideas but almost every single one of them felt implemented in a rushed way. 

i would of got the game myself if the Wii U version gave the option for wiimote/nunchuck and not make pad manditory for 1 player. the games centered around the wiimote, seemed a stupid choice making me have to choose between graphics or controls.

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