No Wii U Collector's Edition for Injustice: Gods Among Us

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.01.2013 3

No Wii U Collector

Are you keen on DC Comics and planning on grabbing hold of Injustice: Gods Among Us on the Wii U? You may need to grab hold of the limited edition Collector's Edition on a different platform.

The game is heading to the Wii U alongside its multiplatform brothers, but as confirmed by Warner Bros today, as the standard edition only. Reasons for the move, a bizzare one, have yet to be disclosed but it could possibly be related to the DLC content included with the premium pack.

To make the blow even stronger for Nintendo fans, the Collector's Edition of Injustice includes a stunning figurine, comic book, DLC skins, a Steelbook in an exclusive package - it's certainly one for the lover of all things Batman, Wonder Woman and so on.

Injustice: Gods Among Us is due out April 19th on Wii U, Xbox 360 and PS3.

Image for No Wii U Collector
Box art for Injustice: Gods Among Us



Warner Bros.





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And then WB will complain that their games will not sell on a Nintendo platform. Why are these people doing this? I might get the game anyway for WiiU, but since I am a big DC fan I really wanted this.

Is the same with MAss Effect 3. Why couldn't they release the trilogy for the WiiU also? I would have bought that in an instant. But we get a comic for the back story. YAY.

If WiiU owners (and it is a NEW console. HELLO) wont get the same treatment as the others then it's no surprise they will choose a purchase on another console!

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Same thing is happening with the collector's edition of Aliens Colonial Marines. I wanted that one, but had to turn to the limited edition with some in-game bonuses instead.

I bet they won't even comment on why the WiiU isn't getting any of all this, and just complain of bad sales when they happen.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Sketchy (guest) 16.01.2013#3

If they're worried about it not selling enough, they could always just produce less copies of the Collectors Edition on Wii U.

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