Code of Princess to be Released Only on eShop in Europe

By Az Elias 07.01.2013 7

Code of Princess to be Released Only on eShop in Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After the German classification board rated the game, Agatsuma Entertainment has revealed that the team will be releasing Code of Princess in Europe only on the Nintendo 3DS eShop.

Agatsuma replied to a fan when asked the question of the game coming to Europe. Whether Agatsuma couldn't secure a publisher for a retail release is unknown, but the developers will be distributing the game via the digital online shop on Nintendo's handheld console. As can be seen in the email response, no concrete release dates are known yet.

Thank you very much for your interest in our title; Code of Princess!Yes, we will be releasing the title as OUR title through Nintendo eShop ONLY.
We are still working on. So, please be patient. Thank you very much for your interest, again!Kind Regards,
Customer Support

Box art for Code of Princess





Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Sweet, now I can pick it up whenever I have money to spend again without having to worry about extremely limited stock and not finding it anywhere.

Fantastic news!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Just needs a good price now.

Very interesting! This is the sort of thing I believe the eShop was created for, getting games that couldn't get publishers or retail releases otherwise! I'm glad we're getting this game at all, and I hope this is the start of a future where we miss out a whole lot less due to the perks of digital distribution being so cheap.

However.. can't say I'm happy that only me or my brother will be able to play this; I don't plan on buying the same game twice.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

oh no.....I love having a physical copy.

Our member of the week

Worst news I read recently.

How many cart games are going to go down the drain in the future? First Unchained Blades, then Nano Assault, now this?

The day when no games get released as physical packages is the day I stop buying games at all. What if tomorrow my 3DS gets broken? I can't just buy another one and hope to play on it all the digital content I purchased on my first unit. Even if you could send it to Nintendo so they somehow transfer the data from the first one to the second (at what cost?), what if Nintendo closes business then? Your content will be lost with the console.

Japan always gets the good stuff on cart, and meanwhile they region locked the system so we can't even import if we wanted to. Thanks a lot Nintendo!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Worst news I read recently.

How many cart games are going to go down the drain in the future? First Unchained Blades, then Nano Assault, now this?

The day when no games get released as physical packages is the day I stop buying games at all. What if tomorrow my 3DS gets broken? I can't just buy another one and hope to play on it all the digital content I purchased on my first unit. Even if you could send it to Nintendo so they somehow transfer the data from the first one to the second (at what cost?), what if Nintendo closes business then? Your content will be lost with the console.

Japan always gets the good stuff on cart, and meanwhile they region locked the system so we can't even import if we wanted to. Thanks a lot Nintendo!

I think more than anything, it'll happen to games that weren't gonna get a publisher in various regions. Atlus especially are terrible when it comes to getting games to Europe, many of Atlus' good recent games have either come to Europe after a 2-3 year wait, or skipped the continent altogether.

So with a game like this without any possible publisher for Europe, this is the best scenario we can hope for. I too hope it doesn't become standard practice with games that really have no excuse, but boy oh boy I'd love to have Persona 4 Arena already if they'd decided to publish it digitally instead of fucking the publishers about since last July.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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