Namco Bandai to Blend Gaming with Grub

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.01.2013

Namco Bandai to Blend Gaming with Grub on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Namco Bandai has plans to open what's been described as a  "restaurant-centered, destination entertainment concept" in the US as a possible prototype for a chain.

The arcade giant is hoping to focus efforts on creating a restaurant experience with the addition of entertainment and amusements, working in conjunction with "an established American restaurateur" to put the pieces together with Chicago penned as a location for the company's first stab at the concept.

Namco Bandai has already dabbled in merging food with entertainment through arcades with fast-food/bar-style locations around the globe - including Namco Fun Scape in the UK and the PAC-MAN Cafe in 1999 - but it's the first time a restaurant will be the core focus of the venue.

Alongside freshly prepared grub, the current plan is to include entertainment like pool, shuffleboard, "immersive attractions" and of course, video games. It's being likened to similar concepts like Dave & Busters or a more mature Chuck E. Cheese's perhaps.

What do you think of the blending of restaurant with video game/gaming entertainment - Can it work?

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