Region Free Nintendo 3DS Imminent?

By Javier Jimenez 01.01.2013 4

Region Free Nintendo 3DS Imminent? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A hacker known as Neimod has claimed to have "full control of the 3ds in kernel mode", allowing access beyond the 3DS's default system. When asked about the possibility of taking care of "that pesky region lock" Neimod responded that "with full kernel control anything is possible."

He stated that he does not want his hack to be used for pirated software, and so has not released information on his work, but more for potential region-free gaming on the handheld.

Image for Region Free Nintendo 3DS Imminent?

Region locking is a common complaint regarding video game systems. Importing was quite popular with the Nintendo DS, for games that couldn't be found in a given region, such as Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland in North America.

Could we be seeing the start of a new region-free era for the Nintendo 3DS?

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It would be so much easier for everyone if Nintendo would lift it themselves... As much as I want region locking gone, I'd much rather like it if it came officially rather than through hacking, because then it can be used as an excuse for hacking of the system to exist (and we know how the ability to run pirated software on a system can be endangering for the system's library growth).

The only two things I'd be interested in from a hacked system is pretty much the same as I have been using on the Wii: The ability to play games from any region, as well the ability to actually  "install" games (Wii games load so much faster from a USB HDD). If that would come as standard to 3DS, then I wouldn't have any reason to support the hack, and I'd be fully backing Nintendo's policy of remotely bricking hacked systems via spotpass. Meanwhile, I'm all for it if it allows us to import games and play them on our European units.

( Edited 01.01.2013 19:26 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I want more homebrew myself , I really dont think the potial for headtracking has been used at all yet. One DSi game did it , and I think that was a  downloadable.
I'm sure the 3ds could do better.

Its normally homebrewers that expirement the most.  (The DS homebrew scene was amazing ).

I hope Neimod or another group finds a way to allow some stuff without allowing full Roms. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Title is a tad misleading from the front page Smilie

Yeah region locking is literally the main (and now only) reason I'd want to hack my Nintendo consoles.. it's simply ridiculous that developers still do it, even more ridiculous that now Nintendo are the only ones still doing it consistently. Yes.. I will look into homebrewing simply because there are some games that don't come out in Europe that I would quite like to play; meditate on that Nintendo!

But on the other hand this is bad news, didn't Renegade Kid imply that if the 3DS was hacked, them and other devs would drop development? That would kinda suck seeing as 3DS eShop support has been really good.

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pia (guest) 29.05.2013#4

wish you give it out
i just want to play usa games on my 3dsxl here in holland
not dl games but orginal

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