Capcom Looking Forward on Wii U Not Back

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.01.2013 10

Capcom Looking Forward on Wii U Not Back on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Earlier this week fans questioned Capcom whether the Wii U would see posts of recent projects like Resident Evil 6 and Lost Planet 3.

Today Capcom's Christian Svensson addressed these suggestions in the Capcom Unity forums, noting how the company are "looking forward, not back so late ports are generally not on the table."

Svensson's comment don't dismiss the possibility of older Capcom games on Wii U completely, but does make it increasingly unlikely. The good news is that at least the Nintendo Wii U is being considered for more current projects/future releases.

Would you like to see ports of older Capcom projects on the Wii U like Resident Evil 6, Dragon's Dogma, Lost Planet 3 and Devil May Cry HD Collection?

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I think Dragon's Dogma can benefit from the Wii U most. I barely played it at all yet (busy with Skyrim: Dragonborn and AC3) but it's a very busy game when it comes to things like inventory and quests; having that all on the touch screen rather than shifting through a ton of menus would be great.

NNID: crackedthesky
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icdeadpeeps (guest) 01.01.2013#2

Wii (U) need multi-platform big hitters for sure - but at the same time as when they hit rival systems WITHOUT frame rate issues.. but it is great to know that Capcom is thinking ahead instead of the past..

The only HD collection I would want is Biohazard - starting with REmake all the way to 6.

Viewtiful Joe 3 would be sweet as pie - just include 1 & 2 HD updates as a total package to ensure huge sales..

Why wants everybody RE6 on the Wii U, right after whining how terriblly bad that game is?

I'm all for future projects. The 3DS got that ship RE, who knows what they're working on for Wii U. If nothing exclusive, at least their big multiplaytform game should be coming to the U.

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Canyarion said:
Why wants everybody RE6 on the Wii U, right after whining how terriblly bad that game is?

I certainly don't wish for either RE5 or RE6 on WiiU, and that's coming from a RE fan. I wouldn't be against a remake of RE2 though Smilie. Call me insane, I plead guilty Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Eww Capcom.  Stay away from the Wii U.

Admittedly, as good as this news is, the ports are inevitable, this is Capcom y'know. Plus, if other systems get ports and remakes and collections and the WiiU doesn't? That's not "looking forward", that's the WiiU missing out, plain 'n' simple.

Still, gonna remain cautiously optimistic and hope Capcom just mean they won't re-port finished titles and instead work on new titles and collections/etc on WiiU.

I just wish they could have ported Okami HD to eShop before deciding this! I'm holding out on the PS3 version because Okami is so painfully perfect for the Gamepad, I figured it was a shoe-in decision!

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Not fussed about ports! Bring on an exclusive resi evil 7, Viewtiful Joe, Pno No 4, mega man, ducktales, section Z, Gargoyal's quest, ghouls and ghosts, zak & wiki, spyborgs and okami! 

please! thanks

Pizzashapes said:
Not fussed about ports! Bring on an exclusive resi evil 7, Viewtiful Joe, Pno No 4, mega man, ducktales, section Z, Gargoyal's quest, ghouls and ghosts, zak & wiki, spyborgs and okami! 

please! thanks

Man what kind of 90's wormhole did you come from?  

IkeFE said:
Pizzashapes said:
Not fussed about ports! Bring on an exclusive resi evil 7, Viewtiful Joe, Pno No 4, mega man, ducktales, section Z, Gargoyal's quest, ghouls and ghosts, zak & wiki, spyborgs and okami! 

please! thanks

Man what kind of 90's wormhole did you come from?  

Hey, ya can't blame the guy for dreaming can you? Smilie All that sounds pretty good to me too! Shame it's not a likely reality.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This is good news in the hope that the U will get some original content and not just ports.

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