DLC Pack Spotted for Call of Duty: Black Ops II

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.12.2012 3

DLC Pack Spotted for Call of Duty: Black Ops II on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A retailer has leaked a potential DLC pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops II coming in the new year called Revolution.

As spotted on Reddit earlier this week, a poster detailing the new pack promises to launch first on Xbox 360 on January 29th - including new features, zombies and a bonus weapon - Peacekeeper SMG. It's yet to be confirmed for the Nintendo Wii U version, but there is the capacity for DLC updates in the future.

Image for DLC Pack Spotted for Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Box art for Call of Duty: Black Ops II





First Person Shooter



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Here's hoping the DLC packs (and Elite and the Season Pass) are released for Wii U, too.

For some stupid reason my 360 absolutely refuses to read my Black Ops II disc. Smilie BUT... the Wii U version is freak'n AWESOME. Smilie Smilie

...yeah, I bought both. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.
C Gibson (guest) 01.01.2013#2

I think it could be fake, simply for the name of the zombies map - "Die Rise". The "Die" suggests it's a German title. but "Rise" means nothing in German - rise translated is "Ansteig". 

Rick (guest) 01.01.2013#3

Could be a play on 'high rise'

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