Pokémon Announcement Expected January 8th

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.12.2012 11

Pokémon Announcement Expected January 8th on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Spotted in a recent Pokémon trailer is a teaser for a big news announcement expected in early January. Balls at the ready, folks!

At the end of the most recent promotion for Pokémon Black 2/White 2, as spotted by Serebii.net, it promises something rather spectacular on January 8th 2013. What it relates to however is unknown, but it's likely to do with a new feature for the current generation, perhaps a new movie or game reveal.

What Pokémon announcement are you hoping for - New generation reveal, perhaps?

Box art for Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Game Freak




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Stuff like this always gets me hyped, even if it's usually just a new Pokémon forme in the end!

In which case, part of me is expecting Pokémon BW3 or a 3DS remake/port of BW2.. that would be very lame, but I kinda wouldn't be surprised.
Of course I'm hoping for it to be a new remake or an all new gen on 3DS, but I'm not expecting that to come out until 2014 at the earliest.

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A new Pokémon Ranger, most likely Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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I had tea with Miyamoto on Friday. He says it's going to be a 3DS game with all regions, all Pokémon, plus 8 gym leaders for each region Smilie

Plus a Wii U/cross-platform edition!

You can play as Mii characters.


Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Can we get another 3D RPG on a console, the Wii U this time? Pretty please? No?...Okay. Smilie

Adam Riley said:
A new Pokémon Ranger, most likely Smilie

Serebii recently confirmed a new Pokémon or forme reveal is imminent for the next movie promotional item, so I think we can be a little more optimistic than that Smilie

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But in all seriousness, I think a Wii U/3DS RPG would work and definitely help Nintendo boost sales on both systems - doesn't have to be too 3D like Colosseum, rather a spruced up version of Black/White with less pixellated models - but still retaining that top-down look.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Oh yeah fo sho, a proper Pokémon on 3DS or WiiU, even a good spinoff, would do wonders for both systems' sales worldwide.

Pokémon is probably Nintendo's biggest selling franchise besides Mario afterall, and totally dominates the Japanese market.

EDIT: Infact Pokémon is the second biggest selling franchise of all time iirc so it's bizarre that the Wii support for Pokémon was shitty at best.
Can't Nintendo's internal devs do something really amazing with Pokémon? I always wondered why almost everything is crap besides GameFreak's games.

( Edited 29.12.2012 21:38 by SuperLink )

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SuperLink said:
Infact Pokémon is the second biggest selling franchise of all time iirc so it's bizarre that the Wii support for Pokémon was shitty at best.
Can't Nintendo's internal devs do something really amazing with Pokémon? I always wondered why almost everything is crap besides GameFreak's games.

Hey, Colosseum and XD were good games! Battle Revolution sucked though. Smilie They put a lot of work in making the models and everything look decent and then did like nothing with it...

SirLink said:
Hey, Colosseum and XD were good games! Battle Revolution sucked though. Smilie They put a lot of work in making the models and everything look decent and then did like nothing with it...

Ok fair enough I liked them too, but knowing Nintendo's dev talent they could do a lot more with Pokémon than they are doing.

GameFreak seem a bit small and humble, so it's ok to let them do what they want with the mainseries games.. but there's so much Nintendo themselves could do with the series if they really wanted to, I just always thought it was strange for Nintendo to not give more focus to Pokémon considering the overwhelming success of the series.

And yeah Battle Revolution looked lovely and actually had moving Pokémon and sorta-destructible environments, it's a shame that's about all it had going for it.

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I always thought that Pokemon was No.2 in sales, SuperLink.  There's just so much of it, I think it hasn't ecciplsed Mario yet simply because of the age difference.

Anyway, Pokemon Ranch U; Pokemon 3D Pro gets a 10 yen sale for January; DLC for Mystery Dungeon.  My guesses.

( Edited 30.12.2012 14:24 by IkeFE )

Well, I guess it's a new forme(why is it spelt with an e?) or Pokemon by the sounds of it.

If they do make the next generation of Pokemon (which is due within the next year or 2) and they do make it 3D, I hope it's Cell shaded.

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