Capcom Quizzing Fans on Digital Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.12.2012 3

Capcom Quizzing Fans on Digital Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have posted a public survey to question fans on the digital scene - franchises and genres to explore.

With the digital scene on the rise, Capcom are one of the video game publishers who are looking to expand business into the virtual domain by creating download-only titles, releasing existing software, enhanced ports and possible spin-offs.

The survey also gets you to ponder what classic Capcom franchises you would like to see return as digital games - including forgotten gems Rival Schools and Viewtiful Joe. More interestingly, Capcom also ask more specifically about Mega Man, Dino Crisis and Street Fighter, which classic games and what types of new games players would like to see in the future.

Take the Capcom Digital Survey.

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I hope you all put down Breath of Fire for a comeback! I also put 'Zack & Wiki' and 'killer7' in the 'other' box where comments could be left. When it asked about Resi Evil, I also stated it should come to Wii U eShop Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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If it's going to be the same price as retail, then I don't want any! Immaterial stuff shouldn't cost the same or more than a physical retail package, which come with a manual, a box, the disk, etc

If it's on the cheaper side though, I wouldn't mind... for stuff which wouldn't sell enough to warrant a profitable retail release.

EDIT: I asked for Killer 7, P.N.03, Zack & Wiki, UN Squadron, Nintendo vs Capcom, Dimahoo, Eco Fighters, Progear, Demon's Crest and Ghost Trick.

( Edited 23.12.2012 08:02 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

A re-release of Street Fighter Alpha 3 would be nice (and simple for them to do).

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