Earthbound/Mother creator Shigesato Itoi recently teased that the future of the series is making progress.
Itoi previously took to twitter to thank the fans of the series, but has since moved onto teasing something rather big now that he's allowed to:
Since it's now okay to blurt this out, here goes: the "MOTHER republication" thing I mentioned briefly before is making progress.It's not "(MOTHER) 4″, though! This has to do with making "MOTHER" playable. I can't give out any details just yet, but I do at least need to say that it isn't 4.
It sounds like porting or better still remaking the titles for a more current system. Fans have highlighted that it could be a move to mobile devices or perhaps a virtual console release on the 3DS.
For now it's a waiting game, but at least there is something Mother/Earthbound incoming - just not a new entry.