Capcom's Monster Hunter 4 3DS Delayed in Japan to Summer 2013

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.12.2012 2


Craving a new slice of Capcom's popular Monster Hunter adventure? You'll need to wait a little longer for the new 3DS game.

The eagerly anticipated Monster Hunter 4 for Nintendo 3DS was initially penned for a March 2013 release, but the team are hoping to push the title even further to ensure that it meets expectations given it's an entirely new entry in the long-running series.

The enhanced Wii U edition of Monster Hunter 3G did make its debut with the console earlier this month, so would provide a satisfying fix until the eventual release of Monster Hunter 4 in the Summer months next year.

Box art for Monster Hunter 4








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They've always done pretty good in balancing this game... so no doubt they know what they're doing.

AdamC3 (guest) 20.12.2012#2

I also reckon it's partly to keep more distance between it and DQVII.

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