Cubed3 Plays | Rayman Legends Nintendo Wii U Demo - GamePad Cam/Commentary

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.12.2012 8

Cubed3 Plays | Rayman Legends Nintendo Wii U Demo - GamePad Cam/Commentary on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In the latest Cubed3 Wii U playthrough we explore the recently released Rayman Legends demo with GamePad cam and commentary.

Ubisoft's limbless hero is returning once again to the co-operative platform scene, this time exclusively to the Nintendo Wii U. The new controller is essential in how the new game works by using an assist character known as Murphy to restrain enemies, cut down ropes and solve puzzles to pave the way for Rayman and his companions.

The demo itself, now available on the Nintendo Wii U eShop, spans three levels - one that incorporates GamePad mechanics, another that's just pure classic Rayman, with the final being a short but sweet sample on the Rayman Legends rhythm mechanics.




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Glad to see there's more rhythm levels in there. The one at the post-E3 event was amazing, and this one is almost as addictive Smilie Watching that video of you getting the timing wrong, though, was quite amusing Smilie Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Adam Riley said:
Glad to see there's more rhythm levels in there. The one at the post-E3 event was amazing, and this one is almost as addictive Smilie Watching that video of you getting the timing wrong, though, was quite amusing Smilie Smilie

LOL I made that same mistake not attacking that stack of enemies at least twice *fail* - but these mishaps are what's good about watching Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Can't wait to download this demo

Our member of the week

Loved that parody of Black Betty is the third video XD. I really need to download this and give it a try. Unfortunately, I have far too much on my plate at the moment.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Yeah. I have played this demo several times. It looks AMAZING for starters and it's GREAT fun too. I was seriously laughing at the rythim level. Smilie

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS

Anyone else think this game is gonna bomb biblically hard, I really enjoyed Rayman Origins but I'm not sure if the market will be there for this as an exclusive.

Our member of the week

I hope, on the contrary, that it'll help the world to see what the Wii U is all about. It's a fantastic game, so if reviews on general websites treating of games for all platforms, reflect how awesome this game is, this might incite those who are still hesitating about it, to finally jump on board.

Origins did well enough and wasn't released too long ago that people will already have forgotten about it, to hopefully attract fans of the original on the Wii U bandwagon, if only for the sake of this game.

Finally got round to trying the demo. Looks even better than Origins, and this was one of my favourite games on the previous generation Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Of course it looks better than Origins. It's being made on a brand new platform. Remember hw much Ancel was loving the WiiU? The memory and the GPU etc...The next-gen has begun, people! Live with it!

Will it be a flop or not? Don't think so really. The Rayman games usually sell rather good (not great, but good) and if they can advertise this and get some help from Ninty (it's exlusive after all) people should know about this game. I think the Wii U is a lot like the 3DS. Slow start but will sell ver well later on. What we need is developers to get used to the hardware and show what it can truly do (looking at Capcom, Ubi and specially Retro) and some firmware updates also. And, of course, more good games.

So far I have Sonic racing which is a great game. It's not exclusive but it it works great after the update. ZombiU which is awesome, but Ubi could have pushed more graphics. Trine2 I usually play on the gamepad alone (showing how good it actually is...The gamepad I mean. The game is good anyway).

So what I am trying to say is that the Wii U is truly a good console. It has more strength than the PS360 AND innovates with the gamepad (and the online seems good so far) AND is getting some really good exclusives. It's gong to sell good, thus Legends will have a good chance.

It's a hard wait for Baynetta 2 :/

I write too much! Merry X-mas everyone and cheers!

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS

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