Nintendo Wii U TVii Service Goes Live on Dec 20 in North America

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.12.2012 1

Nintendo Wii U TVii Service Goes Live on Dec 20 in North America on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Christmas TV is set to be revolutionised with Nintendo TVii due to rollout across North America and Canada this week.

The interactive TV viewing app for Wii U, which Nintendo have coined "TVii", is intended to be a unified service across multiple networks - including Comcast, Amazon and Hulu Plus - where users can share comments on live shows via Miiverse, Facebook and Twitter. Stunned at a revelation in a hit series? Delighted at the football results? Simply take to TVii to share your thoughts and read others, live.

The App can also be used to look up supporting data for example sports scores and movie reviews.

No additional hardware is required to run TVii on the Nintendo Wii U - the only requirement are subscriptions to the content providers where needed.

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I still don't really understand what Nintendo TVii does, honestly. It looks like it's just the video apps that are already available packed into one. Guess I'll have to try it and see.

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