Download the Little Inferno Soundtrack for Free

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.12.2012 7

Download the Little Inferno Soundtrack for Free on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Crave the soundtrack from the well-received Little Inferno? It's now available as a free download.

The independent studio behind the unique download game, Tomorrow Corporation, have released the soundtrack as a downloadable album, but also provided a streaming option for Kyle Gabler's stunning compositions. The main aim of the project according to Gabler was to brew "strong melodic themes and instantly identifiable orchestration" that are reminiscent of film scores from the 80s and 90s eras, "with clear, hummable melodies".

We thoroughly enjoyed the score and sound effects in our Little Inferno review, as "the sounds of the fire blazing and the different items making their own unique noise when bursting into flames makes for a really nice experience".

For more details and to download the Little Inferno soundtrack, visit the Tomorrow Corporation website.

Box art for Little Inferno

Tomorrow Corporation


Tomorrow Corporation





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As with WoG: awesome soundtrack. It's slowly making me want to buy the game.

Little Inferno is going on sale for €9.99 this Thursday, the sale will run up till the 4th of January. Smilie

Woah realy? Awesome, I'll get it.
Where did you get this info?

Canyarion said:
Woah realy? Awesome, I'll get it.
Where did you get this info?
Nintendo Life. Smilie

Bought the game for €9,99! Smilie Haven't had the chance to play it yet...

Canyarion said:
Bought the game for €9,99! Smilie Haven't had the chance to play it yet...
Do tell me what you think of it, when you've played through the entire thing. Smilie

So far... I'm not sure. I hope it picks up after the first 45 minutes.

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