Ubisoft's Just Dance Just Won't Stop

By Javier Jimenez 14.12.2012


Ubisoft's Tony Key recently said that the company would continue to create and publish games in the Just Dance franchise:

We believe in it and we feel like there's not reason we shouldn't do it. So it's about annualizing it. It's about making it the top dance game for yet another year.

The most recent entry in the series was Just Dance 4, which performed well during Black Friday shopping. Key said that burnout was not a concern due to the quality of the series:

Just Dance always has the best new music every year. I would rather not compare it to Guitar Hero; Just Dance is about the latest trends, and Guitar Hero is about great classic rock. I'd rather compare it to a sports franchise - every entry evolves the franchise and changes the roster, and that's what Just Dance does, and every year we're successful. It's not burnout we're worried about and we put a lot of work into keeping it fresh. 

What are your thoughts on the Just Dance franchise - will you continue to boogie with Ubisoft?

Box art for Just Dance 4








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