Rayman Legends Demo Now on Wii U eShop

By Az Elias 13.12.2012 6

Rayman Legends Demo Now on Wii U eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has announced that the Rayman Legends playable demo is now live on the Nintendo Wii U eShop in Europe and North America.

There are three stages for players to give a go, including a brand new one not previously made available in demo units.

These levels are:

    [li]Teenies in Trouble
    [li]Castle Rock
    [li]Toad Story (new)

Five different characters can be selected to play as, including Rayman himself. Finally, a trailer is included to give further taste of what to expect from the final game when it launches across North America on February 26th and Europe on March 1st.

Here is the new demo trailer:


For Cubed3's impressions of our hands-on time with the E3 build, give our preview of the game a read.

Box art for Rayman Legends





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (5 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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I'm glad you can play this a 30 times!! Smilie Going to try it later tonight. Downloading/installing was pretty fast btw.

There is also apparently a Sonic Racing demo available in North America.

Yeah, surprised how quick the download and installation process was, less than 10 minutes in all for half a gig. After the two hour day-one update, that was certainly refreshing. Smilie

Awesome demo too. The black betty level was epic. Smilie

( Edited 13.12.2012 20:50 by Phoenom )

Hm, this seems like a good moment to get the last 3 Electoons in Rayman Origins. Man, some levels are HARD! I was doing the speed run in Mecha No Mistake and I think I kept replaying it for over 30 minutes.

Phoenom said:
Yeah, surprised how quick the download and installation process was, less than 10 minutes in all for half a gig. After the two hour day-one update, that was certainly refreshing.
All future downloads (whether demos, games, or system updates) will likely be quick. People forget that Wii had day one update troubles too. Simply too many people hitting the servers at once.

I love being able to download stuff in the background. I downloaded both Rayman and Sonic demos while I did other stuff.

Phoenom said:
Awesome demo too. The black betty level was epic. Smilie
I playeded that at Gamestop the other day. I like music levels like that one.

Tried this demo out earlier. It looks absolutely STUNNING. Can't wait to get my hands on the full game. Smilie

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