These are the Games Not Heading to Wii U Next Year

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.12.2012 13

These are the Games Not Heading to Wii U Next Year on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Despite a growing number of Wii U titles for next year, there is also an increasing list of multiformat games that won't.

Kotaku have done the rounds, asking developers which titles they have in the works for early next year that in theory should also come to the Wii U as well  including Grand Theft Auto V, Dead Space 3 and BioShock Infinite.

The general reply is spread across "no plans yet", "no announcements to make" or a flat out "no".

Some studios clarified these decisions - citing that a whole "new approach" would need to be required to develop for Nintendo's system, rather than a straight port with GamePad features, it seems.

Multiplatform Games not planned for Wii U next year include:

  • Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel
  • BioShock Infinite
  • Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2
  • Crysis 3
  • Dead Island Riptide
  • Dead Space 3
  • DmC
  • Fuse
  • Grand Theft Auto V
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  • Metro Last Light
  • Remember Me
  • South Park: The Stick of Truth
  • Splinter Cell: Blacklist
  • Tomb Raider
Cubed3 don't want you to miss out on the multiformat love, so Az Elias has covered many of these games in our Beyond the Cube: Top 20 Games to Watch in 2013 special.

Which of these games would you want included in the Wii U roster? Do you agree that they necessarily need Wii U-specific features to be considered?

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bioshock infinite
tomb raider

are the ones i really want.

JayUK said:
bioshock infinite
tomb raider

are the ones i really want.

Oh, I forgot your avvy has Dante in it. Nice to see some DmC love! I really enjoyed the demo and I'm liking the new Dante.

Yeah I really liked Enslaved, DmC 1 and DmC 3. So when I heard ninja theory were making a DmC game, I was really excited. The funny thing I've found is, a lot of people seem to be annoyed at Dante's new look, but Ninja theory have just done what they did with Monkey in Enslaved. They've made the character look like the voice actor. Something tells me it would be really difficult to find a voice actor who is the spitting image of Dante, people tend not to look like anime characters, unless they have something medically wrong with them.

( Edited 13.12.2012 17:18 by JayUK )

Well I hope DmC does a lot better than most of the internet will have me believe, since all I see is people going nuts at the new Dante. I know a bunch of people have had their opinions changed a bit after playing the new demo, however, but there's still those nutters that are boycotting the thing. It retains that same great gameplay, but I get that some people are upset at losing their old Dante. I personally like him, though.

Boycotting a game because the main character looks slightly different is beyond stupid.

NNID: crackedthesky
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justonesp00lturn said:
Boycotting a game because the main character looks slightly different is beyond stupid.
Yeah, people don't like his attitude and foul-mouthing, too, apparently. I love that kinda stuff, though. The acting is really good, and the boss in the demo was a pretty funny scene to me, trading insults back and forth. People don't like change, especially when it's something or someone they've grown to love. But I like both Dantes, and give Capcom a lot of credit for having the balls to go with something different.

l fully expect a few of these to make the move. Would love to see GTA, but l can't see that one happening...

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

justonesp00lturn said:
Boycotting a game because the main character looks slightly different is beyond stupid.

Not as if anyone boycotted Wind Waker now is it...

I am gutted that Metal Gear isn't making its way! Surely the Wii-mote was designed for such a hack and slash game!

too bad. Whens the new Zelda coming out? I'm wondering what kind of transport Link can use in that one. I love transport, for the incredible sense of adventure it creates in Zelda. While at the same i can sit in my chair by myself with snacks and a soda next to me, only pausing to go to the bathroom or closing the curtains so the bright sun doesn't block the view on my screen.
Maybe Link'll have some kind of skateboard so you can ride accross the environment and buy new upgrades at the store, and have new conversations with people he sees, or climb somethng to have a better look of th surroundnds. The skateboard can be upgraded to be able to go over different types of terrain. And you can practice to gain xp and become a Link to admire as the game progresses. Just by pressing the right buttons.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

Okay, God, that's completely off-topic, so I'll direct you here if you would like to talk about Zelda.

Just realised theres one game not mentioned in your list and that's Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD. The first game is one of my favourite games ever and I find it strange Square-Enix haven't announced it as a multiformat release.

JayUK said:
Just realised theres one game not mentioned in your list and that's Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD. The first game is one of my favourite games ever and I find it strange Square-Enix haven't announced it as a multiformat release.
Talking about the list in this news article, right? If so, that's not a game Kotaku contacted the publisher about the Wii U getting, mainly because it's known it's a PS3 exclusive.

Paladinrja (guest) 30.12.2012#13

Splinter Cell & Tomb Raider are wrong.

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