Archaic Rules Finds Mature Titles Restricted on Wii U Till After 11pm

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.12.2012 10

Archaic Rules Finds Mature Titles Restricted on Wii U Till After 11pm on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Euro players, planning on downloading any mature titles on Nintendo Wii U? You'll have to wait till well after dark.

This week we tried to access the game page for Ubisoft's mature-rated ZombiU on the Wii U eShop, a generic error appeared and thought nothing of it. However when attempting to access certain games now t riggers a message that to observe "relevant regulations regarding content access that are present in the various European countries", players will only be able to access "content which is unsuitable to minors" between 11pm and 3am.

This restriction currently applies to all eShop/Wii U users despite entering a valid birthdate.

The scheme has a significant impact to when players will be able to view trailers and make a download purchase on these titles on the system, and would cause inconsistency in sales figures/charts in download games.

Thanks to C3 reader Linkyshinks for the tip.

Box art for ZombiU








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Nintendo can spout this line all they want, fact remains Microsoft and Sony's machines abide by the same laws without these restrictions imposed upon users.

Such a weird direction to go, but seems like Nintendo is taking no chances. Remember the news in the US shortly after DS release, about some little girl being "contacted" in the pictochat by some "paedo"? And the friend code system is another example. I didn't like it, but it's something I've come to expect.

Powdered Water said:
Such a weird direction to go, but seems like Nintendo is taking no chances. Remember the news in the US shortly after DS release, about some little girl being "contacted" in the pictochat by some "paedo"? And the friend code system is another example. I didn't like it, but it's something I've come to expect.

I don't think we should let this go because its "something we've come to expect".

It's completely illogical that a system owned by an adult is hamstrung over the possibility that you just might be a minor. The fact that Nintendo is still doing stupid stuff like this despite the progress they've made in getting rid of friend codes etc just gets under my skin.

In case anyone only read the headline or skimmed the article: This is only a Nintendo Europe policy.

You can still download or view M-rated games anytime in North America and Japan.

It's not hard to imagine the launch day scenarios for most adults when confronted by this. Microsoft and Sony will capitalize heavily by this aspect alone.

Sonic_13 said:
In case anyone only read the headline or skimmed the article: This is only a Nintendo Europe policy.

You can still download or view M-rated games anytime in North America and Japan.

The people complaining are European, plus Cubed3 is pretty Europe-centric. 

( Edited 09.12.2012 09:47 by JayUK )

Cheese (guest) 09.12.2012#7

What utter bollocks.

Well as long as they don't restrict when you can PLAY it after you've downloaded it I suppose it's only a minor annoyance. But if INFACT you can't even play these titles either after download or from the disc outside of these times then yes utter crap!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

JayUK said:
Sonic_13 said:
In case anyone only read the headline or skimmed the article: This is only a Nintendo Europe policy.

You can still download or view M-rated games anytime in North America and Japan.

The people complaining are European, plus Cubed3 is pretty Europe-centric. 

That's why it's all the more likely they might mistake it as Nintendo as a whole instead of just NOE.

Jacob4000 said:
Powdered Water said:
Such a weird direction to go, but seems like Nintendo is taking no chances. Remember the news in the US shortly after DS release, about some little girl being "contacted" in the pictochat by some "paedo"? And the friend code system is another example. I didn't like it, but it's something I've come to expect.

I don't think we should let this go because its "something we've come to expect".

It's completely illogical that a system owned by an adult is hamstrung over the possibility that you just might be a minor. The fact that Nintendo is still doing stupid stuff like this despite the progress they've made in getting rid of friend codes etc just gets under my skin.

I actually think its kinda cool Smilie  I wish we had this policy here.  I feel like it zeros in more on lousy parents who let their kids play anything.

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