Watch the Latest UK and US Nintendo Direct Presentation Videos

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.12.2012 4

Watch the Latest UK and US Nintendo Direct Presentation Videos on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo aired global Nintendo Direct presentations today to explain the latest games and what to expect in early 2013 on Wii U and 3DS.

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime and the chap running the European arm, Satoru Shibata both held separate video presentations that included a look at Pikmin 3, LEGO City: Undercover, Dr Kawashima, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Luigi's Mansion 2 and much more - confirming a handful of games for release towards the end of this year, and well into the next - plus a few unfortunate delays.

The videos also dabble in the Google Maps Wii U functionality announced earlier today, plus DLC incentives with new courses for New Super Mario Bros U and the appearance of Kasumi in Ninja Gaiden III.

If you missed this round of Nintendo Direct or simply want to watch again, be sure to catch-up in the following videos.

Nintendo Direct - Europe - 5th December


Nintendo Direct - North America - 5th December


What are your favourite upcoming 3DS and Wii U games shown in today's Nintendo Direct presentations?

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It was great that the American and European Nintendo Directs were at the same time. If only the Japanese one could also air at the same time to avoid everything being leaked beforehand.

Sonic_13 said:
It was great that the American and European Nintendo Directs were at the same time. If only the Japanese one could also air at the same time to avoid everything being leaked beforehand.
It's all to do with the time zones. If the Japan one aired at the same time, I think it'd be.. 2am over there? Not only that, but most of us don't understand everything seen in the Japanese version and each region has their own specific information, such as release dates for that region.

Oh, and in this European entry of Nintendo Direct, we got to see Shibata-san singing Call Me Maybe. That alone was worth it.

( Edited 06.12.2012 07:13 by Mush )

NoE's president is cool.  He has a big hurdle with his L's though xD

Mush said:
It's all to do with the time zones.
I know that. I was just wishing it was possible.

Mush said:
Not only that, but most of us don't understand everything seen in the Japanese version
We don't necessarily, but all the gaming sites do which is the problem. I came to both this site and IGN before the Nintendo Direct and had everything spoiled.

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