Animal Crossing: New Leaf Out Q2 2013 in Europe, North America

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.12.2012

Animal Crossing: New Leaf Out Q2 2013 in Europe, North America on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has set a timeframe for the next installment in the popular Animal Crossing franchise: Due out in Q2 2013.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf, already out in Japan for the Nintendo 3DS, has performed well in Nintendo's home turf so far, selling well over one million units so far. 3D adventuring, home decorating and town maintenance will have to wait a little longer for fans in Europe and North America, with the Nintendo Direct presentations today noting how the company is hard at work localising the game and want to be the "best experience possible" before setting a firm date.

New Leaf is the latest in the franchise, blending familiar animal faces with new gameplay mechanics and the ability to run the entire town as the mayor.

Box art for Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Also known as

Tobidase Doubutsu no Mori









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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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