Pikmin 3 Delayed in EU/US Plus New Wii U Trailer Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.12.2012 5

Pikmin 3 Delayed in EU/US Plus New Wii U Trailer Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has confirmed that Pikmin 3 has been delayed and will only hit North America and Europe in second quarter 2013.

The game, Nintendo's first steps into an open world high definition adventure, is one of the more eagarly anticipated titles in the Wii U's roster and was promised to hit store shelves before the current business year, March 31st 2013. However Pikmin 3 will now be released in the Q2 2013 timeframe - April through till the end of June.

Nintendo of Europe released a new trailer today, alongside gameplay footage from the Japan Nintendo Direct - It just makes the wait even harder!

Box art for Pikmin 3








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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A shame, but I prefer it having as much polish as possible to getting it a few months earlier.

SirLink said:
A shame, but I prefer it having as much polish as possible to getting it a few months earlier.

If that was the case, it would be delayed in Japan as well. This is sad news as Europe also has The Wonderful 101 delayed Smilie

JayUK said:
SirLink said:
A shame, but I prefer it having as much polish as possible to getting it a few months earlier.

If that was the case, it would be delayed in Japan as well. This is sad news as Europe also has The Wonderful 101 delayed Smilie

When is it coming out in Japan? I heard nothing about the Japanese release date and I can't read what the Japanese Nintendo Direct had next to 2013.

its even worse when there is no source to check, but a statement from a second or maybe even third news party with a bonus text advertising the game...

its probably just delayed in japan as well. or it might simply be a case of european department needing more time to come up with typical brilliant advertising. Or they need more time explaining the game to 'reggie' who made himself famous by acting tough in the video game industry. Which is a feat in itself, looking at the average E3 visitor. fantastic value, fun for the whole family, paradigm shift.

really, the game will be brilliant. another one of miayamoto at his best-san. just alittle longer... :-Smilie

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far apart...you're always in my heart. Love u!

I'm okay with waiting. It gives me more time to play Pik 1 and 2. 


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