Pikmin 3 Looks Sublime in New Wii U Gameplay Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.12.2012 10

Pikmin 3 Looks Sublime in New Wii U Gameplay Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata explored the unique world of Pikmin in the latest edition of Nintendo Direct.

The presentation, taking place earlier today, highlighted key games in the Wii U's roster including the mammoth Dragon Quest X and Nintendo's own first party effort - Pikmin 3.

The strategy/adventure series is being reborn in high definition with creator Shigeru Miyamoto at the helm. The game once again finds space explorers, a new cast, exploring the Planet of the Pikmin and using these critters to progress through the adventure - gathering fruit and defeating enemies through more advanced and specific battle techniques.

A release date wasn't confirmed, but expect Pikmin 3 to land on a Wii U near you in the first few months of next year.

For more on Pikmin 3 be sure to read our hands-on preview with the E3 version of the game.

Box art for Pikmin 3








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It does look really nice, but not as nice as it could look.

More than anything, I'm happy there are more creepy as fuck monsters and locations, and that Purple and White Pikmin are still around!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Have to agree. 1080p in the next game will suffice though. The lighting, depth of field and transparency effects are gorgeous

As someone who's never played any of the Pikmin games before, can someone sell the franchise to me? Maybe I'm missing out on something important here.

~phil said:
As someone who's never played any of the Pikmin games before, can someone sell the franchise to me? Maybe I'm missing out on something important here.

Well.. It's a real time strategy game. So this corny Captain Olimar crashes, with his spaceship, on a some planet. There he finds the Pikmin, that are small plant-like creatures, to help him out find the parts. 

They basically build bridges to get to other places, fight monsters etc. But the different colours of the Pikmin give them different abilities (red is strong, yellow can be thrown to higher spots and blue can venture into water).

OK... This is what I got from the first game. It's a good looking game and the gameplay is pretty well done. It has a great atmosphere and is also darn unique. First one though was hard as Hell for being an RTS. Personally I loved it and think I might just throw it in now and try it over again Smilie

I would say you should get one of the cheap "NPC" versions for th Wii and try it. I recommend it at least!

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS

~phil said:
As someone who's never played any of the Pikmin games before, can someone sell the franchise to me? Maybe I'm missing out on something important here.

It's definitely hard to sell because it's essentially a realtime strategy game and I'm usually awful at those. Pikmin I think is amazing because it's fascinating, it has a whole ecosystem of original creatures that are both goofy and terrifying, and what you think is a children's game is filled with more nightmare fuel than you can shake a stick at - nature at its most horrible.

Gameplay-wise, Pikmin runs with the concept that ants who work together could probably take over the world despite being so tiny and apparently weak, the more Pikmin you have the more easily you can explore further and fight stronger creatures, and Pikmin have different attributes so there's a great puzzle element in it too.
But for me Pikmin is really about its atmosphere more than fixing parts of a ship.

I hope that sounds at least slightly appealing!

EDIT: herp using incorrect terms

( Edited 05.12.2012 16:59 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm not a big fan of RTS games, but it seems like a fairly friendly entry point. I may well check it out, if I ever manage to cut my backlog down a bit...

~phil said:
I'm not a big fan of RTS games, but it seems like a fairly friendly entry point. I may well check it out, if I ever manage to cut my backlog down a bit...

Pikmin 1 is pretty challenging with its day limit, I'd personally recommend Pikmin 2 if you're not a big fan of RTS games and don't want a stressful experience. It's not an easy game either though but I'm not really into RTS either and loved it.

Cheese (guest) 05.12.2012#8

~phil said:
I'm not a big fan of RTS games, but it seems like a fairly friendly entry point. I may well check it out, if I ever manage to cut my backlog down a bit...

The main thing that makes Pikmin stick out (for me at least) is its charm.
The first time you accidentally send a load of red pikmins into the water will break your heart. Watching them struggle to stay afloat before slowly dying will bring a tear to your eye.

Other than that, it's got a world that's full of life and colour.
Also, I wouldn't fixate on the RTS genre too much. Whilst it is an RTS, you do get time to just wander around and explore, as opposed to micromanging every millisecond (especially in the second game).

~phil said:
As someone who's never played any of the Pikmin games before, can someone sell the franchise to me? Maybe I'm missing out on something important here.

imagine a game like the one you see on that video. the difference is, YOU get to control the good guys you see fighting the bad guys. did you feel nice things when you saw and heard the video? then it probably a good game for you. dont listen to random persons. you have a great brain in your head. you know what you want. act on it. never listen to me. good boy?

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far apart...you're always in my heart. Love u!

Ahhh... I'm liking what I'm seeing...!

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