Future Wii U To Have Firmware Pre-installed

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.12.2012

Future Wii U To Have Firmware Pre-installed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Those hoping to buy a Nintendo Wii U when the Spring batch hits can rest assured: it should be updated with the latest software.

The launch stock for the new Nintendo Wii U console requires players to download an updated firmware to access certain online features - including Miiverse, the web browser and Wii U chat. It's a hefty one, which some have estimated at around 1GB in size.

However now that Nintendo are putting together the manufacturing process for additional Wii U stock, it's been confirmed by Reggie Fils-Aime that from early next year new Wii U consoles will come with the update pre-installed, reducing the wait for new owners and the potential for console bricking.

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