Two new Nintendo 3DS XL Festive Adverts

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.11.2012

Two new Nintendo 3DS XL Festive Adverts on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The festive season is upon us! Nintendo UK have put together two adverts for the new Nintendo 3DS XL bundles.

Grab hold of the large screen, crisp handheld that is the Nintendo 3DS XL, together with one of two top titles pre-installed on the system to play right from the moment you flick the on switch (or is it, button?) Whether it's perfect, pinpoint 3D platforming in Super Mario 3D Land or taking to the skies, land and underwater in Mario Kart 7, Nintendo have bases covered.

If either of these two are not your thing, why not nab one of the limited edition Pikachu Nintendo 3DS XL consoles instead, out December 7th, preinstalled with a dollop of Pokémon love.



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