Nintendo 3DS Surpasses GameCube Lifetime Total in a Third of the Time

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.11.2012 6

Nintendo 3DS Surpasses GameCube Lifetime Total in a Third of the Time on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In around twenty months, Nintendo 3DS has topped the lifetime figures of the GameCube.

In its five/six years on the market before being discontinued, Nintendo's forth main home console - the GameCube - sold 21.74 million units. However, in much less than a third of the time the Nintendo 3DS has sailed past the GameCube's total, as pointed out by IGN's Rich George.

Despite a strong selection of gems like Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Mario Sunshine, the initially exclusive Resident Evil 4, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Soul Calibur II and a handful of more niche titles, the GameCube failed to reclaim the market share - falling behind the Sony PlayStation 2 and the original Xbox.

Many titles were released into 2007, including Madden NFL 08 and TMNT, until the console entered retirement to make way for the Wii.

As of the week ending 17th November, the Nintendo 3DS has sold 22.50 million units worldwide, and is still going strong.

Total Nintendo announced a new Mario Kart 7 bundle, pre-installed in a blue/black 3DS XL console.

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It was always very close between the original Xbox and GameCube in terms of overall worldwide sales, but I believe Xbox finally edged it in the end. What that goes to show, however, is just how strong 3DS is in just its second year on the market!

The best is yet to come...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Does anyone know how quickly the original DS passed this benchmark?

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Not sure, but I believe Wii did it in about 16 months.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Anonymous (guest) 28.11.2012#4

The 3DS is also loosley based on the GameCube too with a 3rd party fixed function GPU and 16 bit Audio DSP and about the same graphics.

Hyrule (guest) 28.11.2012#5

3ds has also nearly passed the lifetime sales of the PS3 in Japan.

Poor Gamecube Smilie

*Ike hugs his gamecube*

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