Final Fantasy Father Hironobu Sakaguchi Celebrates 50th Birthday

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.11.2012 5

Final Fantasy Father Hironobu Sakaguchi Celebrates 50th Birthday on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The man who created the iconic RPG series Final Fantasy, Hironobu Sakaguchi, celebrated his 50th birthday this month.

Sakaguchi-sama is a renowned game designer who gave birth to the series after dropping out of University, penning the name "Final Fantasy" as if the game had failed, he would have returned to student life.

Fortunately for Sakaguchi, the project has become the most successful RPG series and Square Enix's best selling video game franchises of all time.

From then on, came more design and director projects with many more Final Fantasy titles, Chrono Trigger, Romancing SaGA 2, Xenogears, Legend of Mana and much more as Executive producer or supervisor.

Image for Final Fantasy Father Hironobu Sakaguchi Celebrates 50th Birthday

In 2004 Sakaguchi left Square, who had now merged with rival studio Enix, to form his own Mistwalker. Initial projects included Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey for the Xbox 360 and ASH on the DS. More recently he returned to the Nintendo home console scene with the critically acclaimed The Last Story - the first time Sakaguchi directed a game since Final Fantasy V.

Without his efforts and more than twenty five years of work in the video game industry it's very much likely we would be devoid of story intense, Japanese RPGs.

Wishing Hironobu Sakaguchi a belated Happy 50th Birthday from Cubed3.

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Final Fantasy really hasn't been the same since he and Nobuo Uematsu left. Looking forward to what Mistwalker create next. Wasn't a fan of Blue Dragon(mainly because of the dragon ball/dragon quest art style). Lost Odyssey was amazing and I enjoyed The Last Story more than Xenoblade despite a couple of niggles.

Sakaguchi-sama? Double last name or...?

I rememer Ash, always eondred how i would look. It was supposed to be amsazing for ds standards, with a new technique and everything...

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!
SDub (guest) 29.11.2012#3

-sama is a suffix in Japanese that is used when you refer to someone of high status (Like the shogun). It's used in modern times to denote extreme respect for someone. 

It's like saying "The Great Sakaguchi", kind of.

thx for ur explanation! your awesome. :-Smilie

I dont have much interest in learning Japanese, but ill try to remember it in case articles like this are posted. I guess there are no words in the English language to describe this sort of extreme respect?

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!
Vinny (guest) 30.11.2012#5

I bought a Wii exactly two days ago just because of this game...

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