Feature | Cubed3 Attends the Call of Duty: Black Ops II Launch Event

By Calum Peak 27.11.2012 7

There's no denying it, Call of Duty is a huge franchise. Each year's release sets itself to go toe-to-toe with its predecessors in an explosion of testosterone-pumped marketing campaigns that appeal to the masses. Each one comes with a huge launch event with celebrities from all over. Last year's was hosted in Battersea, whilst this year's opted for something a little more timid; Bloomsbury Ballroom. Therefore, after the inevitable queue, ranging from members of the Press to media and sports guys -- all strutting their stuff dressed to the nines -- how was it? Not too bad, actually…

Image for Feature | Cubed3 Attends the Call of Duty: Black Ops II Launch Event

Wristband attached, a bee line for the bar was made (I'd finished work, what do you expect!), which had a fantastic selection of undead-themed drinks, an ode to Zombies if ever I saw one. Once my paws were comfortably settled around a cold can, I settled into the lull of the music and watched as various celebrities filtered through the doors and the screens flickered to life with Activision's latest flagship title. Things kicked off in style once Max Rushden and Chris Kamara got up on stage and started toting the evening's main events, which turned out to be some competitive head-to-heads featuring various celebrities that were attending. There was definitely something rather satisfying about watching Professor Green (music artist) getting his backside handed to him, listening to Jack Whitehall (comedian) throw in a few snaps about competitors' products (namely Battlefield 3 and Medal of Honour) in the process, and Alfie Allen (Game of Thrones' Theon Greyjoy) get stuck into a few matches. T'was but a few of the famous faces that were tussling on launch as the match was shout-casted to the crowd (I refuse to use the term cod-casting).

Image for Feature | Cubed3 Attends the Call of Duty: Black Ops II Launch Event

Once the festivities had died somewhat, we were treated to some fantastic sets by B.Traits and Shy FX as a backdrop to the fragging that was featured on every screen. Jumping into a few matches I was momentarily thrown by holding a controller again (I'm part of that glorious PC master race) but I soon settled into my flow pulling off 3.0 K/Ds and pushing my team to winning (well, I wouldn't want to be modest now, would I?). For the first time in a long while, I was actually enjoying a Call of Duty title; all the speed, balance and map layouts reminded me so closely of Modern Warfare (Call of Duty 4) that I couldn't help but smile as players fell beneath my gaze time and time again. One of the new game modes was particularly enjoyable -- Hardpoint -- which have players race into a king of the hill type match that shifts every minute or so keeping the action tight and focused whilst simultaneously offering an objective to go for.  The key here was the balance, and I knew they had it pretty much spot on as I wasn't raging (as is a usual trait with the last few Call of Duty titles  -- combinations of Last Stand, OP'd grenade launchers and poor lag compensation, to name a few) and nothing really hindered progress and every death and frag felt deserved. The futuristic locales separated it from the others too. Well done, Treyarch!

Image for Feature | Cubed3 Attends the Call of Duty: Black Ops II Launch Event

The addictive Zombie mode was also on show, which has taken the community by storm and had players working themselves through the levels via a bus (try not to fall out) and fighting for their lives. Not much has changed with Zombies other than a clear sense of progression; they haven't messed with the formula and that's probably a good thing. If it isn't broke, don't fix it.

I vacated the area a little after the launch (midnight) on a nice high, fuelled by alcohol and fragging adrenaline. An enjoyable experience as any and I'd wager most people had a fantastic time. For once, it's looking like a Call of Duty title is a must buy -- especially if you have missed out on the previous titles and you have a shiny new Wii U. Go get!

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Really wish I could have made it - sounds like you had a cool time. Also sounds like the new CoD is better than last year's edition...Have you got hold of it yet?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Adam Riley said:
Really wish I could have made it - sounds like you had a cool time. Also sounds like the new CoD is better than last year's edition...Have you got hold of it yet?
I'll be picking up the Wii U version and from what I've heard, it's just as good as it is on the other consoles.

I know there was that big deal about the Wii U having the worst frame rate, but after watching videos of the game in action and listening to commentary of people who have played the game on 2 platforms (Wii U and 360 or Wii U and PS3).

Out of all the commentators I've watched, I can't recall any of them complaining about the frame rate in the Wii U version.

I actually can't wait to play it. I'm mainly purchasing it for Zombies, campaign and Party Games, but I will be playing a lot of the multiplayer if I can find some people to play it with me. Anyone on Cubed3 have this game on Wii U?

Adam Riley said:
Really wish I could have made it - sounds like you had a cool time. Also sounds like the new CoD is better than last year's edition...Have you got hold of it yet?

Yeah, I've been playing it since launch. It's really, really good. Haven't done much of the single player, been ingrained in the multiplayer since it's so fast and balanced. Loving the pick 10 system too for loadouts, so much flexibility. 

Got it on PC (obviously) and it's defintiely the best PC port since CoD4 in terms of visual options + dedicated servers (though no server list) means that my connection is always rocksteady which is a huge  bonus. Oh, and something about it running at around 190 FPS (which is pointless on a 60hz screen, but bragging rights!) Smilie

Ah Cal, if only you were in a writing mood...It'd be a great idea to do a feature looking at the online aspects of CoD. Personally I don't play online much, so only ever get the solo player experience, so it'd be great to get the thoughts from someone that lives and breathes CoD online! Maybe you'll feel creative and put some thoughts down on paper for us Smilie

Mush, totally agree that the frame-rate issues brought up won't even be noticed by the majority of people. It's basically people looking for cheap headlines to attract readers Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Adam Riley said:
Mush, totally agree that the frame-rate issues brought up won't even be noticed by the majority of people. It's basically people looking for cheap headlines to attract readers Smilie
Yeah, when it's not noticed by people who play CoD on a daily basis, you know it isn't a big deal. One of the guys I watched said the Wii U version would be the best bet if you're looking at owning Black Ops 2 and you're getting/already have a Wii U.

That coming from a YouTube partner who has played CoD on both 360 and PS3 as well is impressive. The one thing I like about the Wii U version is that it supports so many different control options. Back when I only owned the Wii, I played WaW and CoD4 on it. Whilst they weren't as fast-paced or good looking as their HD counterparts; the controls made for a unique difference.

Wii Remote pointer controls in HD, with much faster gameplay is so appealing to me. Smilie

( Edited 28.11.2012 21:59 by Mush )

Smashing write up, hadn't quite decided where my last few quid was landing but after swaying towards CoD then reading this...my copy is sitting waiting for me.  

Not sure if I'd have made it away from the bar Smilie

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

nin10do said:
Smashing write up, hadn't quite decided where my last few quid was landing but after swaying towards CoD then reading this...my copy is sitting waiting for me.  

Not sure if I'd have made it away from the bar Smilie

It was a tough call, but it was free so many, many visits were made Smilie

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