TimeSplitters 4 was Shot Down in a Haze

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.11.2012 2

TimeSplitters 4 was Shot Down in a Haze on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

There are various reasons why TimeSplitters 4 is finding it tricky to exist, one of them being the flawed 2008 shooter Haze.

The PlayStation 3 exclusive first person shooter was panned by the general media and public due to an array of game-breaking glitches, a short solo campaign and criticisms about the storyline and visuals. The performance of Haze even reached a point where its publisher, Ubisoft, was accused of requesting reviews to be removed.

In an interview with gaming magazine GamesTM ex-Free Radical and Rare designer Steve Ellis (GoldenEye 007, Perfect Dark) recalled the developer's struggles in getting a fourth TimeSplitters game to market as potential publishers questioned the team's performance with Haze. Given the company (who were comprised of former Rare staff) had a high reputation in piecing together sublime shooting games and had suddenly underperformed with Haze, it was a cause for concern.

It would be like if Square Enix released a critically flawed Final Fantasy for example.

The lack of a "clear and easily communicated marketing message" also hurt the project's potential.

A legion of fans are still working to eventually bring TimeSpliters back to the market, forming a Facebook group and a petition to release a HD Timesplitters remastered trilogy.

Box art for TimeSplitters 2

Free Radical




First Person Shooter



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It would be like if Square Enix released a critically flawed Final Fantasy for example.

On that note, Square-Enix's president has gone on record multiple times lately to say that Final Fantasy XIV has caused massive internal damage to SE and their market. Recently he even said another mistake like that could end the company for good.

The AAA game industry is becoming a really difficult place huh.

( Edited 27.11.2012 15:54 by SuperLink )

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SuperLink said:
The AAA game industry is becoming a really difficult place huh.

That's something that could play into Nintendo's favor.

Developing AAA titles for the latest, most powerful systems is expensive. It means that big games, especially new IPs, become increasingly risky. Even established franchises like Final Fantasy have become a risk.

That could make Wii U more appealing as it is still more powerful than the current gen, but also similar enough that development costs are more reasonable than they will be for PS4/720.

Just look at how Capcom decided to move development of Monster Hunter 3 from the PS3 to Wii (and has since seemed to stick with Nintendo). They moved because it was a lot cheaper (thus less of a risk) to develop for Wii than PS3 (and Nintendo probably made a deal with them to further reduce costs).

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