Borderlands 2 Skips Nintendo Wii U due to a Lack of GamePad Ideas

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.11.2012 7

Borderlands 2 Skips Nintendo Wii U due to a Lack of GamePad Ideas on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The increasingly popular Borderlands franchise will not land on Nintendo's Wii U without a solid reason to use the GamePad.

In the latest issue of GamesMaster magazine, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford was quizzed on the lack of Borderlands love on the new console, reason being the lack of a "natural, obvious, 'OMG, I want that for what the Wii U brings to the table' feature" that could be utlilised only on the GamePad.

The brains behind the series, Gearbox, is working on a Wii U project at the moment with Demiurge Studios: Aliens: Colonial Marines. Unlike Borderlands, the team felt it was better suited to Nintendo's platform because it invokes a feeling of "Holy sh*t, I can have a motion controller in my hands! When it's there in my lap it feels like I'm part of the movie".

Borderlands 2 was released on the Xbox 360, PS3, PC and Mac earlier this year. A version for Nintendo Wii U then seems unlikely, though with a push on GamePad ideas could eventually become reality.

For those unfamiliar with the franchise, Cubed3's Liam C. explored the world of Borderlands 2 in our latest Beyond the Cube feature.

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This is a shame really, but if anyone owns a PS3, 360 or even a nice PC. I suggest you definitely check out the game. I recently wrote a Beyond the Cube feature for this, it's linked in the article -- so make sure you check that out for all the reasons why I loved the game and the franchise in general.

Hopefully Gearbox will release future entries on the Wii U. If they were to do this, I'd definitely pick them up just to support Gearbox and Wii U's 3rd party status. Here's hoping, though.

As mentioned on another site, a game doesn't need to use the console's features to be a good game on that console. 

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SuperLink said:
As mentioned on another site, a game doesn't need to use the console's features to be a good game on that console. 
Yeah, this is what I think too. Even using the GamePad screen as inventory management or to display a larger version of the map.

Most games seem to be going this way, so I don't see why Borderlands 2 can't. I wonder if there's still any hope for a GOTY Edition of BL2 on Wii U. Probably not.. but we'll see.

OK, so when 720 and PS4 most likely bring in their own 'GamePad', is that acceptable?  I'm pretty sure you don't 'have' to use the GamePad for WiiU games...seems a non-reason if you ask me.

Being able to hotkey more than four of the 87 bazillion guns seems reason enough to me, but whatevs. I'm still thinking they'll release a game of the year edition for Wii U. I can see it not being worth developing the game for Wii U right now, but when they start work on a GOTY edition for other platforms there'll be no reason not to.

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I think it's more of a lack of manpower and money to put behind porting it to the Wii U, ports do take a lot more effort than people give them credit for.

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Stulaw said:
I think it's more of a lack of manpower and money to put behind porting it to the Wii U, ports do take a lot more effort than people give them credit for.

If they'd said that in the first place I think I would have been more sympathetic tbh.

I actually think this is the real reason, they simply don't want to work on a port for a game that's been finished for a long time already; honestly that's fine imo.

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