Ubisoft Scares up More ZombiU Footage in New Developer Diary

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.11.2012 1

Ubisoft Scares up More ZombiU Footage in New Developer Diary on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft have put together more developer notes in an ew video diary on the Wii U exclusive survival fps, ZombiU.

Find out what it takes to survive in the infected streets of London, the inspiration behind some of the gameplay concepts plus footage of new areas including a scenic pass alongside the iconic River Thames. There are also more enclosed interior settings to invoke a sense of claustrophobia and unknowing as a devious zombie pounces from behind the shadows. Spooky!


For more details on Ubisoft's ZombiU, be sure to read our interview with the team.

Box art for ZombiU








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Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (3 Votes)

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The reviews have got me interested in this but i've heard the loading times are pretty bad. Apparently you can get killed waiting for a door to open which doesn't sound fun

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